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~Crystal harrison~

     I slowly open my eye to see that they all are staring at me like I'm a sleeping beauty that just wake up. 

''What?'' I ask, they suddenly all turn away this get me too confuse do they do this to every girl I take a look outside and the flight attendant announce that we are landing soon. 

     I just keep watching to see that we are landing and the city begins to come into my view. 

Soon we were in a limo, back home? That is what Leo whisper to me. I just try to keep quiet most of the time, soon we are park in front of a mansion Holan get out first as we follow but I've noticed that their face become harden and has no emotions, I ignore it than I saw this tall handsome with dark hair slick back wearing a bloody suit with a gun in his hand.

    ''Dove la ragazza'' [translate: where is the girl?] he asks Holan than Azul put his hand on my shoulder and push me forward I have nothing to do but to walk where his hand push me and that I realise that I was in front of the scary man and he looks at me up and down.

 ''What your name?'' he question me 

''it's crystal'' I answer, trying to hide all my fear but I think he can see through my soul 

''I need a shower, bring her to her room I'll dear with this later'' he says, Holan, Azul and Leo walk in a different direction as I was left with Kol.

   ''come on I'll show you to your room'' I walk after him quickly a couple of guard walk past and Kol give them a nod I just walk, looking down at my hand. 

After a long walk, we stop in front of a white door. He turns to me ''open the door'' he order I do as he says and wow this room is way better than a five-star hotel it was cover in white a little grey then and there and some furniture was black and a bookshelf full of book, it a classic room but it looks beautiful.

 I was in an awe moment ''your belonging will be here soon but for now, there is some clothing in the closet, for your dinner will be brought to you in 2 hours. Don't ever leave this room unless you are told to''

I turn around to see he has a serious face on so I just nod and he walks out of the room closing the door behind him and I hear a click. I check the door and it was lock I sigh and look around the room a little bit then I go to the bathroom and take a shower put on some pyjamas.

I pick up a book and beginning to read it. I was so into the book that I didn't notice that someone enters my room, I feel that someone was sitting at the end of the bed, So I look up from the book to see the same man who I saw as I enter the mansion he was staring at me coldly I got a little scared but I didn't show it ''enjoy the book?'' he asks 

''yeah'' giving him a short answer.

End of chapter

    Hi, lady & gentlemen and boy &girl, it is a great chapter I enjoy writing this for you guys and I really have nothing to say but a thank you to anyone who had chosen to read this book and have a great day/night everyone see you tomorrow for the next chapter. <3

Update: this chapter is dramatic                                                                                                                                            Neath...

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