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Glad to be back
Here the chapter I'm so excited to write
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I was showering when I hear a knock on my bathroom door "ma'am, Breakfast ready" my maid said "coming" I shout back finishing showering I head out and dry myself off before putting my robe on and when to my closet to pick an outfit.

I put on Jean and hoodie since today not that busy I still have nightmares but I alway remind my self Haze dead and now I should be fine but the nightmare still the same just it's not as bad.

I went down to the kitchen and see everyone are waiting in there seat patiently, I take my seat and food was places in front of me and all the maid left with no word was said.

"Let eat" Elijah say and we eat in silent no one make any talk which is so weird cuz "what going on?" I ask, grabbing everyone attention "is there something I didn't know" I say and everyone just look at me.

"Fine, if no one have anything to say I'm not hungry" I say and stand up before I can someone pull my wrist it was Sebastian "sit down" he said "no, why am I here if I'm being left out" I say and he let my hand go.

I walk out to the office feeling so frustrated in the morning that not me ughh it exhausting there mood swings is alway change.

    I take my sit in my chair and open my laptop continue to do my work, I do work when I'm frustrated so here I am.

     I have no clue on what going on today but no one talk and Curiosity got the best of me and I decide to find out.

     I hack into our system and check I know I don't have to hack but that the only way I read and type for hour but nothing came up, I can't give up now I need to know.

      I keep hacking but still nothing my brother did a good job in this but I'm better than this.

      Hours pass still nothing and my tummy is groaning I stop and close my laptop walking out to the kitchen no one there like I expected, I went to the fridge but I saw a note and food prepared neatly on the counter I pick up the note it read

"Eat don't starve your self, SB"

      I sigh and take the food I eat alone in the kitchen and finish I went to my room on my way there no one where did everyone go.

     I walk to my room to see the man I never want to see, he was siting on the edge of my bed with his elbow on his knee and head down looking as depressed as hell yet I still feel chill running in my vein.

       I ignore him and pretend he's not there and there just me I walk to my closet taking out my journal and jump on the bed I pick up my pen and start scribbling shit that does not make sense to me.

       He didn't say anything just sit there in his head I feel safe next to him yet not safe cuz I know how dangerous he can be but still I never feel worse.

      He finally look up and turn to me I pretend like I seen nothing and just keep writing I feel my body react to his stare like a lost puppy which I hate.

      "Did you eat?" He ask, looking at me like I'm a painting "hmm" I say not taking my eye off my book "when I talk you look at me" he say, more serious "what if I don't?" I ask still didn't look at him, not that I don't want to I just can't face him he stare into my soul every time our eyes make contact.

      "Fuck it" he say, grabbing my book and throw it across the room "why did you do that!?" I ask him "you think you can away with everything" he raise his eyebrow, I ignore him and climb off my bed and walk to my book I walk past him and he grab my wrist turning me now I facing him and stand in between his leg.

       I immediately don't know how to breath it stuck in my throat, with one move I was siting in his lap with my hand on his chest.

      "What are you doing?" I ask pushing him away but you guess it he was strong and won't let me go "what I should be doing since I saw you" he say, his face is clam and peaceful like when he was sleeping his hand find it way around my waist.

      We just stare into each other eyes, I'm alway lost in him eyes it so peaceful yet dangerous screaming and darkness I alway got lost in it.

      "Can I kiss you?" He ask make my eyes widen almost pop out of the socket "w-what?" I shutter when did I even shutter this man make me do thing "can I kiss you?" He ask again until I realize how close our face were.

       I want it yet I feel bad but it so right to be in his arm and get to feel his warm I know he's been with a lot of girl I'm not the only one who get to be in here but it's feel right as much as I hate it I still love apart of it.

      There no word just silent as he wait for me to answer I nod my head.

     He smile and smash his lip on to mine I was way better than I imagine he taste sweet and it send sparkle all over my body and my heart pop in happiness the way our mouth move in the rhythm it feel right.

      He bite my bottom lip making me gag and he take that time to slip his tongue in my mouth feeling every inches of my mouth he explore all over.

       We break apart with a kiss feel like hour of goodness that I don't want it to stop it feel so good we take our breath.

      I blush as the sight of his face smirking evilly at me my cheek get red.

      "Trust me" he ask, I don't know what to say but I admit the truth "yes" I say.

      He smile and  stand up from his arm he did as well making me look up at him I pout at how tall he was "what?" He say, still smirking like an idiot "your too tall" I say and he laugh, I rarely see him laugh but I can get use to this.

     "I'll see you later" and he walk out the door making me confused as hell what? I just stand there and have no clue what to do until the door open.

     he appears in my view "wha-" before I can finish he throw he over his shoulder "forgot what mine" he say making me blush hard and I can feel him smirking I was upsides down I have no clue where were going but I'm curious.

     I was put down in the garden in the middle of our flower field that is my favorite spot to stay but I have no clue what going on "what are doing here?" I ask, squatting down and touching all the flower "there something I bought" he say, and looking to his right I saw a puppy running toward me he was so cute.

      I was shock but it was cute I pick it up and look at Sebastian smiling "is this for me?" I ask, petting the puppy as it lick my face "yeah" he say, putting on a more serious face "but you don't like puppy" I ask, he sigh "it for you not me" he say "why though?" I ask "cuz you alway want one" he say.

      I put it down and walk to him and put my arm around him neck and hug him, he hesitate but put his arm around my waist "thank you" I whisper and pull away.

      I smile up at him and look at the cute little ball next to my feet running around me "what should we name him?" I ask, Seb "you pick" he say looking at the puppy "storm" I say and he look up at me "perfect" he say and kiss my cheek "you are mine" he whisper and walk back in the house.

      I don't ask anything I know he need to work I take my time playing around with little storm in the garden he run after me and I pick him up I laugh at how cute he is.

End of chapter
I decided  to continue the story
I hope you like it so far

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