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~Crystal Harrion~

In the morning I wake up and remember what happened with Sebastian in his office and I look around myself and I saw that this is not my room when I try to get up I feel a strong hand around me what? I turn and see Sebastian is sleeping next to me where am I? What is he doing? And what happens?.

I try to get out of his hand and he keeps holding tiger and then I turn back to see he eye were open and he was smirking at me ''WHAT THE HELL!!'' I say loudly ''calm down darling you need to stay in bed for the rest of the day so no need to shout'' he says still smirking.

''why? There nothing wrong with me and who are you to tell me what to do'' I say narrowing my eyebrow he finally releases me and sits up I do to then I feel a big headache hit my head I put my head down and hold it ''are you ok?'' he said in a worried voice never hear it before but it was cute ''just a headache'' I say in a low voice he opens the nightstand next to him and take out a couple of pills ''take this you will feel better'' he gives the pill and a cup of water I take it for his hand and take the pill after a couple of mins.

I feel slightly better and looks at him to see he was shirtless I can see his ab and yeah he has good ab I turn to see him smirking at me ''like what you see'' I look away ''Sebastian?'' I say ''yes?'' he said calmly ''where am I? And what happens?'' I say looking up at him ''you will know soon'' he says handing me my phone I give him a smile as soon as I saw the phone ''thank you'' I say taking the phone and open it ''if you need anything call me and get ready before 4 pm and the clothe is in the closet'' he says standing up and go to the bathroom.

I check and see that it was the next day I was confused but I feel pace around him after sitting there and staring in the wall for a while the bathroom door open revelling Sebastian in a black suit as always his hair was perfectly stile I feel butterfly in my stomach going crazy he's hot.

 ''you are not allowed to leave this room there some book in the drawer wait until I came back, understand?'' he said I can see he getting serious I nod ''word is invented for you to speak'' he said standing still ''yes'' I say next thing I know h...

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''you are not allowed to leave this room there some book in the drawer wait until I came back, understand?'' he said I can see he getting serious I nod ''word is invented for you to speak'' he said standing still ''yes'' I say next thing I know he walks out of the room shutting the door behind him and lock it.

I stand up and go into the bathroom as soon as I enter I can smell his scent is so fresh and I love it I look at the mirror I can see I look Disgusting I literally can't look at myself rn my hair is messy I make it my makeup is all over the place how can Sebastian even looked at me I feel ugly I hopped into the shower take a shower and I cleaned my hair and get out put on a rope cleaning my hair, I saw a blow dryer so I blow dry my hair after that I style it a little bit but not too much

I walked out and goes into the closet I opened it and saw some of my clothes but mostly it's his clothes in there  I pull out this cute little outfit.

 and put it on I go back to the bed I sit down and open up the drawer I saw a couple of books that looks pretty good I want to read it so I took one out and start reading I've been so lost in this hold fantasy book world I didn't hear the door ope...

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and put it on I go back to the bed I sit down and open up the drawer I saw a couple of books that looks pretty good I want to read it so I took one out and start reading I've been so lost in this hold fantasy book world I didn't hear the door open seconds later I feel a presence standing in front of me I look over I saw Azul standing there I jumped up and hugged him he huge me back and give me a smile.

''I miss you'' I said ''I miss you too how are you feeling?'' he asked ''I got a headache last morning but other than that I feel good'' he gave me a nod and sit down on the bed ''where am I?'' I asked him ''you're in Sebastian room'' he said ''that makes a lot of sense'' I say in wonder he throw me a pack of gummy and I give him a big grin ''Holan told me you like those'' he says ''I like those I love them'' he chuckled and look at the book that I was reading ''this book sound spicy'' he said ''I know right'' he chuckles at me.

After a long talk he say he has to go so I let him and at around 3:30 Sebastian came in he told me to put on a dress and we had out I ask him a few questions but he ignores all of them and I know exactly where we are going to the dining room we want in and I saw an unfamiliar guy he has dark black hair and he looks very muscular he walks up to Sebastian and says something IDK what it is so I just walk to the kitchen where Leo was making food he saw me ''hey are you ok?'' he asks and hugs me ''yeah what are you making?''

I ask he look a bit confuse he tell me and I help him out and we start to sit down the guy keeps looking at me it kinda scared me ''who is he?'' I wiper to Kol who was sitting next to me ''Crystal meet Xavier our best partner he will be staying for quite a while'' Holan annout ''he's also the guy who knocks you out yesterday'' Azul say ''oh'' I say now I know why and how everyone so interesting in my health ''I didn't know who she was if I know I would never touch my mate Sister'' Xavier say ''it ok I'm fine now'' I say giving everyone a smile. We talk and I get to know about Xavier a little bit more.

End of chapter

hello, ladies and gentlemen & boys and girls I wanted to say thank you for reading this chapter it has been a great time writing this chapter. I know some of you is getting very frustrated because I've had end-all of my chapters in a very bad place and I'm sorry about it but I still hope that you like it tell me how I did? this chapter is longer so yeah and thank you for your time see you in my neck strap to you tomorrow in my next chapter have a great day and night, everyone. <3

Update: friends is important but I have all most none but if you do have friends your lucky. I think it was funny for a Xavier first impression😅


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now