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Hello, Miss and Mister
Today has been rough for me so I hope you enjoy this one cuz I spend my time writing this (not to be dramatic)
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I just put my plan together and it's came out well which I'm kinda surprised cuz to be honest I didn't really know what I was doing.

My whole desk is messy and when I say messy I really mean it.

The door open and Azul walk in and he look up from his phone, with a shock face he said "you...really meant plan" I smile cheekily at him "women you destroy this room" he add looking at the thing in my room.

Guns, weapons, pen & pencil, paper, computer, cables, scissors, glue and many more all over the place.

"But it's good" I say as a girl came out from behind him, and smile at me "who this?" I ask the little girl "hi, I'm Emma" she say happily "well hi, Emma" I say at look at her adorable face that was smiling at me.

"Who her?" I ask "Sebastian, niece" Azul say "and I'm pretty sure she don't belong here" he say grabbing her hand "why are you here?" I ask "I clearly don't know how to take care of a kid so I bring her to you but now I change my plan" he say.

I sigh knowing that he's probably right but the Azul I know can lost temper easily so I won't let him go and take care of this cutie.

"well I know she don't belong here but I'll take care of her we have more room that this" I suggest "okay" he say letting the girl go and walk out.

I walk to her and kneel down next to her "hi, Emma, what do like doing?" I ask "I like umm....umm... ICE CREAM" she say, I nod "well what are we waiting for" I say standing up and grab my car key and we walk out as she dance happily.

"But first I have to check with you uncle" I say as we arrived at Seb office door "yayyy" she cheer, I got confuse cuz none of the kid I meet like Seb cuz they think he's scary.

I open the door and he was on the phone "Sebby" Emma cheer when she saw him and run in to his arm, he smile and pick her up and put her on his lap "hi, princess" he say "well, auntie say we're going to get ice cream" she say in her baby voice "so you meet auntie" he smirk at me "hmm" I nod.

She play with his expensive pen that was on his desk as he turn to me "where are you going?" He ask "going to the mall with Emma" I say "and?" He ask "and I want to ask you if I can go" I say and walk toward him "hey, Princess do you know her name?" Seb ask little Emma "umm..." she put her tiny hand on her chin and act like she thinking which is the cutest thing ever "I think uncle Azul say her name is Crystal" she say and look at Seb "well you got it right" Seb happily say.

He is so different around kid but usually they don't like him cuz of the bad thing there parent told them but with Emma he smile and ask her questions that Seb would never say, you rarely get to see this side of him 'to be honest she say this all the time' but I'm right 'sure'.

So I watch as he was stress when we walk in but now his stress was taken away by a kid whose not afraid of him at all, even though she know he's dangerous or does she?

"I'm coming too" he say before we can walk out the room as Emma say "Yayyy" and run to him putting her hand out so he would carry her, and Seb just look at her with a your a naughty kid look but than she put her puppy eyes and he give in, I laugh and he glare at me as Emma clap her hand happily.

We walk out and we walk cross the guest meeting room to see some people who I don't know about, Seb stop and put Emma down "Crystal this is apart of my family" Seb say to me "Hi it's so nice to meet you" I say as the guys look me up and down but a lady whose stand up "it's nice to meet you" she say putting her hand out I smile and shake her hand "Crystal" I say "Emily" she reply.

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