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~Crystal Harrison~

After dinner we all watch a movie I sit near Leo and we are sharing a blanket, he doesn't mind. I keep seeing Sebastian looking at me and we lock eyes a couple of times but I can feel his gaze on me I don't know why but after that night I kinda want to be in his hand all the time but I don't show it of course. ''This is kinda interesting, nice choice Crystal'' Xavier say ''thank'' I reply before I eat my popcorn ''you know this is not as bad as I thought'' Azul say as Kol chuckle ''told you'' Kol say Azul give him a glare than a phone ring ''Fuck'' Holan growl he stands up and picks the phone ''Speak'' he says in a threatening tone it was scary when any of them answer the phone I keep watching the movie after around 10 to 15 mins Holan come back ''guy we have a business to do someone need our help tomorrow and we need to prepared he coming here'' Holan say kinda mad ''who'' Sebastian ask ''Elijah Desmond who else!'' Leo say annoy

''That bastard'' Sebastian say in frustration I feel kinda scared cuz that name sounds scary and whoever we are dealing with is something bad might happen my heart sink in my chest ''Crystal you don't leave your room ever tomorrow, understand?'' Kol says I nod ''no she staying in my room her room is not safe rn and all of you know that'' Sebastian say everyone agrees ''enough of this movie crap we have a mission to full fill'' Xavier stand up and throw his bowl at the flow and walk off angrily that was scary I can't deal with these boys Sebastian stand up and grab my hand dragging me out of the room he doesn't say a word until we reach his bedroom he opens the door and I sit on the bed he sits beside me.

I can see that this is a big deal and he has a hard time dealing with it ''now listen to me'' he said looking up at me I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything ok I nod ''you can't leave this room ever no matter what happens you hear me'' he said softly trying not to burs into anger ''ok but'' I say stopping for a while ''but what?'' he takes my hand into his ''why? Is this man freaking everyone out?'' I ask he sigh ''he not good to know about, just promise me that you will not leave this room ever for tomorrow, for your own safety, ok?'' he asks ''ok'' I say whisper he barely hears me he nods and looks away ''are you tried?'' I ask without thinking ''no'' he say I can see he lying but I just want him to hug me again my heart is aching for this man touch but I can never let myself do that suddenly he pulls me onto his lap and his hand around my waist with his head buried in my neck.

''W-what are Y-you doing?'' I ask ''just enjoy it while it last'' he whispers in my ear that sends a shiver down my spine I hug him back for a long time I feel safe with him I think I'm falling but why can I tell him I love him we just meet like a week ago and I already falling for him I tell my self no but it won't listen to me for some reason I enjoy his warm around my body before I can fall asleep ''Crystal?'' he says softly ''yes?'' I answer in a sleepy voice ''can we lay on the bed instead?'' he said ''sure'' we lay back and he removes his hand off me and I just want them again he takes off his shirt and hops into bed turning off the light I roll to the edge of the bed and after hearing him tosing himself around I feel a warm hand around my stomach pulling me back and my back hit a hard chest than I drift off asleep not wanting this to end.

~Sebastian Wiliam~

I wake up and feel a small body laying on my chest I smirk to myself she is so cute her little snore is just adorable and her scent, her smile is just amazing to watch when she mad makes me even crazier over her I can't help but use excuse to get her to stay next to me at all times. But I just have to go I take her off of me and I get dress before I go I give her a kiss on the forehead and left I walk out to see two bodyguards standing outside the door as I ask them to ''take care of her make sure she is safe, guard her with your life tell her I will be back soon and bring her some breakfast'' I say seriously and they nod and I walk off to the guest living room it was a long walk but I still do it anyway.

I walk in and I saw Holan, Leo and Kol on the couch waiting patiently ''finally you are here'' Kol say in relief I don't give a crap ''where is he?'' I ask and sit down ''on his way to destroy our life of course'' Holan say ''he not going to this times'' I say full confident he not getting anything this time we need to put him in his place he crosses too many lines ''guy he not going to make any mess today he's here to beg for help'' Xavier say in a smirk on his face ''and how would you know that'' Leo ask surprise ''well you will see in a few second'' he said still have that smirk on his face ''he just enter the gate'' Azul say carrying a gun ''any second now'' Xavier say Suddenly the door open we all quickly stand up.

we turned to the door Elijah Desmond walking ''hello boys long time, no see wow you have everyone here I like this'' he said with a fake smile, of course, this man is just intimidated Sometimes I can't handle him but no matter what I still got my ways ''sit down'' I say to him he took a step sits on the couch ''what do I owe the pleasure here, Mr Desmond'' Leo says in a serious ''well you see we need to have a meeting Immediately'' he says.

End of chapter

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls I had posted 10 chapters and you guys are literally the best I wanted to thank you for reading it I am speechless because I never thought that anyone would like to read my book but here I am writing a book for all of you so I want to say a big thank you and And as you can see there's a new character just popped in yes he's a Mafia Boss that's the only tea I'm spilling and I'm feeling like he would give up the bad vibe so yeah follow along if you want to get to know who this man is. I will keep writing more chapters see you tomorrow for my next chapter thank you for your time have a great day/night everyone. <3


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now