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~Crystal Harrison POV~

I wake up ready for the day and untangle myself from Sebastian and when to the shower I take a warm shower and get dress after that I went out to fine Seb still in bed.

I stand in front of his "wake up sleepyhead" I say as he open his eye "one more minute and come here" he say patting the bed beside him "bye see you at breakfast" I say and walk out "you will regret it" he shout as i close the door in his face.

I went to the kitchen "good morning" Christina say as I smile at her "shut the fuck up" I hear Xavier shout across the room, I chuckle and grab myself a plate.

I sit next to Azul as he has his peace and quiet "what up?" I ask "nothing" he reply "really?" I look at hi as he just stare at the wall "tell me what on your mind?" I suggest and start eating.

"promise me you won't tell anyone" he hold his pinky out I take it "promise" I smile "there this girl I've meet" he start "she gorgeous like I've never seen anyone like this, long black hair with blue eyes and a gorgeous body she smile at me but than turn back to her friend" he say so in his mind.

"where did you meet her?" I ask "at the mall" he say, Azul never goes to mall he hate "may I ask why we're you at a mall?" I say "I went to seal info" he say "hmm" I hum as a yes "do you want me to find her?" I say he shake his head.

"no, probably not good I'm not good for anyone and this life style can get her kill" he say "you never ruin me and I'm never been in this life style before as we'll" I make my point "your different, you have our blood run through your vein and mostly you life along side us" he finally look at me "your right" I say patting his back "well since my dearest brother decide that I should find her I will you a wife don't worry" I smile cheekily and walk to the sing.

I finish breakfast and sit to talk with Christina and Leanna "that dress look so nice" Leanna comment on the photo that Christina show us, I was about to say something when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I instantly knew who that was.

"hi" I smile as he give me his grumpy face "you should have breakfast" I suggest "tell me why did you left" he ask with a cold face "I should go" I say and walk about to run out but he grab me waist and pull me back "answer me" he say "cuz ai was hungry" I say "no you weren't" he reply "okay I knew you were not going to let me go if I go back to bed" I sigh "hmm" he say and throw me out his shoulder.

"let me down" I scream grabbing everyone attention "she in big trouble" Amella whisper to Leanna and she mouth "I know" and with that I was out of the room upside down and I sigh struggle to get out of his grip but facial miserable until I was throw on the bed.

"let me go" I say as he make sure to pin me down "beg for it" he say as I give him puppy eyes "please" I say and he shake his head "please let me go" I say and he just start kissing my neck "fuck you drive me crazy" he muttered on me skin, and soon he let me go.


"Can we go Christmas shopping?" I ask mr grumpy head sitting beside me in his office while he work I enjoy the view "for what?" He ask, is this man insane "for Christmas coming in two week" I say "we don't celebrate Christmas" he say looking at me now "but with I'm here we are" I say cunning his face with my hand "no we aren't" he put his hand on mine "please I want to" I till my head, he sigh "but I'm coming with you" he say "yes thank you" I say pecking his lip and walk out but not forget to blow him a kiss.

I walk to my office, I open the door to find Angelica sitting with her leg and hand cross and the bitch face she has it's seem she anger.

    "Umm...hi" I say and go to my desk I take a sit as she glare at me "what do you want?" I ask annoy already and she don't even say anything ughh I might accidentally kill her today.

      "you did something" she say in her anger voice but to me it's a total high Pitch bitch voice "and what did I do to concern your bitch ass" I say it's came out calmer than my inside right now "tell me who are you too my Sebastian" she say walking toward my desk and slam her hand on it, I laugh at her concern.

     "you what? Sorry" I say "my Sebastian" she say smirking at me "oh so he is your" I say smiling at her dumb face "yes" she say "sorry to disappoint you honey but he's not your" I say smiling sweetly "he is mine weather you like it or not" she say and cross her arm.

     "i feel like talking to a child right now" I say and lean back in my chair "I'm not a child" she say "than why your acting like one" I ask now calm as hell but my inside tell me to ripe her apart.

     "you need to get your dirty hand of what mine" she say and pick up my pencil holder and throw it at the wall, that was the last straw, I stand up and walk to her grabbing her neck and slam it at the wall her hand grab my hand and struggle to breath.

    "YOU DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY STUFF WITHOUT MY CONCREN AND FUCKING COME IN HERE TO DISRESPECT ME" I shout in her face as she get scared at my sudden change mood "I-I'm s-sorry" she struggle under my hand "Now get the fuck out" I hiss and let her go she run out crying as I just sit in my chair and calm my breathing.

    I spend my whole day doing some work and play in my office alone, now it's time to go home.

    I got in my car and head to get myself some food and eat in the car where I have my own concert, I feel happy to actually enjoy time alone for one day and I want to do this everyday but sadly I have to return to reality almost every time I even start, thinking about it make me stress.

    I finish my food and goes home I sing and dance drive like a boss, I have a smile on my face as I walk in the house, I went to the living room to see everyone there some are anger and Angelica crying in her mom arm and Christina has a disgusted look toward me, my brother just look at me with shame.

      My smile drop at the situation "what happen?..." I ask "what do you mean what happen?!" Mr Carter snap "why don't you tell us" Dominico said "I'm disgusted" Christina spit like a snake, Angelica Cry even more in her mom arm.

     Than I realize she a faker, I cross my arm and roll my eyes "does it hurt?" I mock "the fuck you say" Kayden say "yeah go ahead protect your little sister" I mock at him he was about to stand and punch me Lorenzo hold him down.

     "what happened Crystal?" Azul ask "she came to my office—" "yeah that the only thing she does and you hit her" Kayden cut me off "that not all" I say "than explain" Azul say "she was" I pause and look at Seb, he nod "she was bitching around my office plus she even have to the nerve to say I touch Seb and he was her and I laugh so she got anger at me she pull my last straw and I slam her to the wall" I explain.

     "she throw pencil" Kayden argues "How would you react if someone goes to your office without your concern and disrespect you plus destroy your stuff, how the fuck would you react!!!" I say in disgust of there family "did you do that?" Lorenzo ask his sister, she shake her head "she didn't you liar" Lorenzo say to me "want prove" I say as he nod but Angelica got scared.

     I walk to the TV and connect my phone to it put the footage of last afternoon, we watch in silent as everyone can see and hear what she say and they all watch until I turn it off "now explain princess what was that about?" I ask her "S-she l-lying" she stutter, I roll my eyes "lying? When I have the prove right here or are you blind or deaf" I ask as she cry "keep crying because playing the victim don't work on me" I say as I walk out.

     I walk to my room and shortly after Seb walk in "hey, baby" he say as I don't even look at him, he sit on the bed next to me on the bed "why?" I cry in his chest "I'll make them pay no one hurt my girl" he say pulling me into his arm.

     I sob in his arm until I calm down a little "come on let go to bed" he say pulling me under the sheet "I have to change" I say and he kiss my forehead I walk to the bathroom doing what I have to do and after I went and sleep near him and he hug me from behind.

End of chapter
This chapter was a bit rough to write but I managed
Hope you enjoy the story so far

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