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~Sebastian Williams ~

I get up and put on my suit and had breakfast, after that, I went to the training room I walk in to see Azul, Kol and Holan were already there waiting ''where are Crystal and Leo?'' I ask [cuz no one is allowed to be late except me] 

''Leo is going to get her" I take a gun as the door open I shot the gun and I can see that Leo doesn't mind but Crystal flinch hard I kinda feel sorry but why did I feel anything for her I shake off the thought.

Leo saw that she flinch hard ''are you ok?'' he asks her 

''yeah it's just loud'' she answers 

''she just scared'' I say annoyingly I can feel all of them glared at me why do everyone so fond of her I know there brother and sister but didn't they just met her including my self.

she is something else, I hand the gun to Leo he takes it and I pull another gun out and hand it to her she backup and look scared ''take it'' I say raising my voice a little bit she takes it 

''what am I going to do with this?'' she asks

 ''I don't know, shoot your self'' I say and feel my self smirking as she looks at me in fear 

''you thing that funny?'' she asks still scared, I chuckle I grab her hand it feels soft and fit perfectly in my hand I pull her to a spot for shooting gun.

''now hold it up with one hand and put the trigger'' I say in a serious tone. 

She nod and I can see she is scared but does as I say ''pull the trigger'' I whisper in her ear and back away I can see how her ass and I enjoying the view how can someone be so cute and hot at the same times? She is everything I want but why am I feeling this way I shake of the thought as she put the trigger she did flinch but it was a little bit I don't mind.

 I walk over to take the gun out of her hand and she looks at me and moves over and I show her how to stand properly and how to shot in the right direction.

After 4 hours she knows how to properly shot and for every test I put for her she pass all of it. She amazes me, On how fast she learns it is incredible. 

''Try to shot all of the targets that come in your way as quickly as possible'' I say as she nod and start to shot every target and she hit all of them, I can see all of her brother surprise faces.

  ''she ready to go out in the world'' Azul said putting his hand on her shoulder

 ''yeah I can agree with that'' Kol add and chuckle 

''what do you think Sebastian?'' Holan ask me

 ''she's fine'' I said, tryinng to shrug things off

 ''she's fine? man she is amazing can you tell she takes 4 hours to learn, how long did we all take 5 months, you need to clear your vision'' Leo said and everyone chuckle. I glare at him and turn to Crystal to see she has a bright smile on her face, she is so cute and hot. 

I can't even contain myself around her. '' find got to admit she good'' i rolled my eyes

Leo jump up the chair ''I'm hungry, time for lunch'' and run out of the room 

''lunch it is'' They all walk out leaving me with Crystal 

''I got to go change'' she says, nervously avioding my eyes

 ''have lunch with us?''I ask, she nods I was about to walk out

 ''Sebastian?'' she calls me my heart skips a beat it sounds so good when she says it I stop and turn around and walk toward her 

''yes?'' I say trying to keep the feeling inside of me 

''can you bring me to my room I don't know where it is?'' she says with her soft voice, i almost let a smile slip

 ''sure'' I walkout as she follows the silent take over as we walk down the hallway

 ''I will come to get you after I shower'' I said breaking the silent 

''thank'' as we stop in front of her door. She opens it and I walk off and she closes the door. what's wrong with me this girl makes me feel things I don't want to feel it's crazy the fact that I even care for her.

End of chapter

Hi lady&gentalmen and girl&boy, it looks like someone can't keep it to themself he's just a bit stubborn. Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter I'm so so happy for all the readers out there that take their time to read my book. I'm so grateful and again thank you so much for your time see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a great day/night everyone. <3

Update: we need to show off some talent oh speaking about talent what talent do you have?

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now