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Hey,hey, hey
It so great to see you
Here a cupcake 🧁 for you to get you started
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Sebastian William POV~

I take a second to figure her map as everyone wait patiently for there turn.

"No introduction" I say and look up "let me see" Azul ask and I hand my phone to him "this is incredible but I can't understand everything" he said and hand me back my phone.

"Let me" Isadora put her hand out "wow" she say to herself "I can only understand some doesn't make sense" she shook her head "I'm a hacker maybe I can understand" Holan reach out his hand.

He take the phone and start reading "man, this is difficult" he growl and hand the phone back to me "police code can't understand" Holan say.

"One thing left, go find her" Elijah say and Azul stand up was about to leave but I stop him "don't you even think" I say and he rise his eyebrow at me "why?" He ask.

"I see it in her eyes, exactly like mine" i say and he sit down "what kind?" Leo ask "The murderer that crave for blood" I said "than we have to wait" Alex sigh and lean on Isadora shoulder.

I sit there staring at the floor, it's been 3 hours since we say to wait, Alex and Xavier is asleep and the rest of us is just sitting here in silent.

The door open and Crystal walk in all bloody and everyone stare at her in fear and she give a glance than walk upstairs not giving a word.

Holan swallow "man, that scary" he said, I know Holan he's not scared of anything "that shook me to the core" Xavier eyes still widen.

"I'll go check up on her" I say "you guy can go and rest, will be a long day tomorrow" I add and slowly walk upstairs.

I open the door slowly and she was sitting on the bed with her head in her hand, and staring at the floor.

I slowly walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder and she look up with her red and puffy eyes tear are still running down "I kill those people" she say her voice were broken, she cling onto me wouldn't let go.

I hold her as she break down little by little after she calm down a little, I take her hand that was bruise and bloody, I walk her to the bathroom and strip her clothes off, she didn't say a word and was very tense.

I take her bloody dagger, knife and gun for the holder she strap around her tight and waist, i strip myself and turn on the shower to a warm temperature.

I walk her to the shower and let the water wash all the blood from her body, the bathroom floor was white now stain with crimson red.

I take the cloth and was about to wash her but she grab my wrist "let go" I softly said and she let go as I wash the blood from her body and use her favorite shampoo.

After done we get dress and I carry her to the bed gently put her down on the bed, I climb in next to her and wrap my arm around her.

After laying there awake watching her slowly dripping off to sleep, I sigh and hate myself for letting her go like that now she would have to live with the guilt of killing someone who was innocent.

Seeing her this way make me feel the way The Harrison feel when I goes on murder mode and I can feel that she's damage.

I sigh and fall asleep after a long while of thinking.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now