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This chapter contains extreme violence so skip if you know you can't handle it
You have been warn!!!
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

Today I have some Business to do so I get up early and head to the off with Seb, I want to my office and check everything for the day make sure every is going great, I finish after 2 hours.

It's currently 9 in the morning, Azul came in "hey" I say "hi, I need a favor" he say and sit in front of me "what up?" I ask, paying all my attention to him "I need a partner for tonight mission, if your up for it" he say and I nod "sure, no problem" I say "how about Sebastian?" He ask "he'll be fine" I smile.

he hand me a pack of gummy bear, I chuckle but take it "you don't have too" I smile and he shrug "Holan said you like those" he smirk "thank you" I say and he walk out the door.

He love to put a smile on my face and I can't blame him, he's good, Alice is lucky to have someone like him but talking about Alice where is she? Shouldn't she have been here by now.

I sigh and finish off my stuff than head to the cell where all the fun begin.

With my stone cold face, I walk down the cell, as every body guarded greet me with a nod and bow, I walk to the cell that was especially for my favorite victims.

I walk in and Seb is in there with a knife and Alice and Kol in the corner "look what we got here" I smile and walk up to Seb and put my arm around his shoulder "hey, beautiful" he smile and kiss me.

I can see Alice and Kol smirking at the two stupid bitches "first of all, let me ask you a couple of question" I say and smile than I take a chair and put it backwards toward them than sit facing the back.

"You don't look so good anymore" I say and they glare at me "start with you Jack, how in love are you?" I smile sweetly as he don't answer me but glare "fine, I know you don't like to reveal to much" I smirk, he struggles a little bit but still can't get out of robe, handcuffs and chain.

"What make you think I wouldn't do the same to you like I did to your brothers?" I turn to Isa, she scoff "you haven't met me and your already full of yourself" she have a little smirk on her face "I've never meet you but I sure do know you" I smile and her smirk goes wider "your so ugly and dump, you see I've been with Sebastian more than you have" she said and I nod "interesting" I say and turn to Seb as he smirk knowing damn well.

"Enough talking, I need you dead and we're not wasting time" I say and grab my dagger, "this one is for Elijah!" I hiss and wrap it into her bare leg and she growl "he's dead" we're playing this game not let me join, I smirk "keep teasing and open up the wound that you build and I'm sure you don't mind me cutting every piece of your bitch ass body" I snap and she laugh "well, Sebastian love me more than you" she say and Jack laugh.

I grab the gun and shoot his shoulder "laughing isn't gonna get you anywhere" I smile and Seb grab the gun out my hand "I think it's enough" he whisper "no, I'm not done" I say and grab the gun, he won't let go "I don't wanna hurt you, please let go" I say and he did but stand close cuz he know I can't control myself right now.

He lean in and grab my hand than point at Isa shoulder "shoot" he whisper and I shoot, she scream "is there any more of you?" I ask "I'm not going to tell you that" she hiss at me than growl.

I grab the knife and put it under the flame until it's red and no one said a word, I get up and walk to Jack, he back in his chair "what are you doing?" He ask with widen eyes "end things...for good" I say and stab the knife slowly into his heart he scream, I see the burn flesh and blood running down.

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