Ch.2 First Day

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Katniss's Pov

We walk over to a tree where others are waving enthusiastically at us. Glimmer and Marvel wave back. I am not quite sure what to do.

We finally get there. We were moving as slow as snails is what it felt like. It is probably these heels. They are killing me slowly and painfully.

"Hey guys!" Glimmer exclaims.

"Hey Glim." a boy with golden hair says.

"Guys, this is Katniss Everdeen." Glimmer tells them.

"Katniss that is Finnick," she points to the golden haired boy."that is Annie," she points to a girl with red hair."this is Joannah," she tells me and shows me a dork haired girl."this is clove or clover as I like to call her,"she points to another dark haired girl but she has longer hair then the first girl."this is Cato and gale."she points to two boys one with blonde hair an the other with dark hair."where's Peeta?"

"I am right here." a boy says. he must be Peeta. He has ashy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Peeta, this is Katniss Everdeen. Katniss this is Peeta."

Wait I know that name. Peeta, Peeta, Peeta Mellark. That's him. That is my old best friend. At least I think that it is him. Glimmer didn't exactly tell me his last name.


"Yeah." I say coming our of my train of thought.

"You have been daydreaming or thinking again. We all know that can be dangerous." Glimmer says laughing. also earning a laugh from everybody else.

"Oh shut up Glim. I was just thinking because I used to have a best friend named Peeta before herbed away when we were ten.

"Katniss." Peeta says.

I look at him and trike that it is him.

"Yeah Peeta?"

"It is me."

"I thought so. I has missed
You so much Peeta. these last eight years have been the hardest of my life."

"I'm sorry Kat."

"Nobody has called me that since you left me."

"Well I didn't leave you voluntarily."

"No shit."

"Wow you have changed a lot."he says

"Well duh, I got older and a lot more mature."

"Yeah, I can tell, why is that."

I can feel my face go pale. I think everybody is waiting for an answer. I look over to see Glimmer and Marvel have the same look on their faces. Everybody looks from me to them.

"Katniss?" Peeta asks worried. he knows how I get when I am angry or sad.

"What"i snap.

I immediately regret doing that.

"I'm sorry Peeta."

"No Kat, I'm sorry for asking. I know how you get."

Then the bell is about to ring in five minutes. I still had to get my schedual for my classes and my P.E clothes.

"See you guys later. I have to go get my P.E clothes and my schedual."

"Let me take you."Peeta suggests.


We get to
The office and go to the principals office for my stuff. I get it and me and Peeta find out that we had all of the same classes together.

"Katniss, please tell me why you are so mature now."

"I can't right now the story is too long so I will tell you at lunch."

"Okay. As long as you tell me."

"I will Peeta"

"Good." he says laughing as we all to or class.

Time skip to lunch.

"Okay Kat now is lunch and you have to tell me."

"Okay fine the reason that I had to grow up so fast was because my father died right after you left. We were on our way out of the mall when I robber was going into the jewlery store and my dad being the brave heart that he is, tried to help them. He tried to talk to the robber bit instead the robber shot him. I ran over to him and he was bleeding really badly. I wanted to save him so bad, but I couldn't, I was just about to turn 11. Glimmer and Marvel were on their way to my house when they go the phone call saying that their uncle had just died. There is nothing worse than seeing your father die right in front of you."

"I'm so sorry Kat I had no idea."

"After my father died my mother went into deep depression and I was left to take care of me her and prim."

"I'm sorry Kat."

"Let's just I eat and the get the rest of the day over with."

We get back and they all ask us where we were. we don't really answer.

"Okay everybody, there is a slumber party at my Katniss and Marvels tonight. who's in?"

We get murmurs of yes and sure.

"Can I just stay in my room tonight Glimmer?"

"No Katniss! You have to be here with us all."

"But we both know that tonight and tomorrow are not the best night for me."

"Well why is that?" She asks.

"look at the date." I snap.

She takes out her phone and looks at the date. Marvels does the same. They look at each other then back at me.

"Well maybe you just need so cheering up."

"Nothing can here me up Glimmer. It is the fucking anniversary of my fathers death!" I exclaim.

Then I realize what I just said. I look at everybody and they all look shocked.

"Just know that I will come out of my room for a while but then I have to leave. Same thing tomorrow. Just don't bother me about it." I say about to get up.

"Katniss sit down. It isn't only your fathers death anniversary, but he was my uncle. I was related to him. I loved him to."

"I know that Glimmer but I had a connection with him. And on top of that all, I saw it happen. Not only is the anniversary if his death, but we both know what happens during the night."

"Yes and maybe we can get you mind off of it."


Well I guess that I am gong to a sleepover.

Wow two updates in one day. well technically two bit all in the same hour. I hope that you like the story.

Luv ya,

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