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Katniss's Pov (the next morning)

I wake up and notice that Peeta's gone. Then I hear the shower running. Oh, Peeta must be in the shower.

I get up and get my clothes together. I gets rebel sweatshirt with black jeans and black converse. Those shoes are literally the only shoes that I own that aren't heels.

Peeta walks out of the bathroom. Well, crutches out anyway.

"Good morning beautiful!" He tells me.

"Good morning my handsome boyfriend." I reply. I walk up to him and kiss him. It's not long or hard. Its a short, loving kiss.

I take a quick shower and then put my clothes on. I do my makeup and walk out of the bathroom. I just leave my hair because I don't want to do it.

Peeta and I pack clothes into suitcases. We have about five suitcases just for me. Peeta has about three.

We walk to my car and put our suit cases in. Peter is driving Peeta's car over to the house after his shift at the bakery today.

I drive there and notice that the group is already there. I get out of the car and help Peeta out.

"Finnick, Marvel, Cato, Gale!" I scream.

They come out.

"I need help." I say.

They all sigh. We have eight suitcases and four boys. How convent.

Peeta and I walk in and I see that there is a whole bunch of people here. There is really only like thirty people but still. They all look like the people from the family reunion.

Then I realize that they are from the family reunion. I met all of the adults but I never met the kids.

I notice that everyone's family is here. As in their parents. I find Prim and Plutarch in all of the chaos.

"Thanks so much Plutarch." I say.

"No problem. Also, Prim is going to stay with Rue. They wanted to be together all of the time." he explains.

"That's fine. Goodbye my little duck." I say and kiss her forehead.

Peeta says goodbye to her also and we find our friends in the crowd.

"Where did you put our stuff?" I ask the boys.

"In you're room. All of the rooms have names on them so we put it in the one that says Katniss and Peeta." Cato explains.

"Thanks boys." I say.

"Okay thanks to Plutarch for letting us have a redo on our family reunion at this house. And congrats to the children on having their house. Let's keep our tradition going and we will have the singing completion in an hour." My aunt says and gets off the stage.

"Katniss we want you to meet one of your cousins." Glimmer says.

She grabs my hand and we walk through the crowd. We walk slowly so Peeta can keep up. We stop in front of four boys who are turned backwards from us.

Peeta is with us and so is Marvel and the rest of the group. The boys turn around and I'm surprised.

It's Big Time Rush! I fucking love them!

"Kendall this is your cousin Katniss. Katniss this is you, know what I know that you already know who they are so I'm just not even going to say it." Glimmer says.

"I'm Kendall." Kendall says.

"I'm Katniss." I say shaking is hand.

"Nice to meet you Katniss. So are you a fan?" He asks.

"A fan! She is like crazy obsessed!" Marvel says. I slap his arm.

"Shut the fuck up." I tell him. He rubs his arm.

"She usually isn't like this." Finnick says.

We all start laughing.

"Stop lying to the man Finnick. It's not nice." Cato says.

"Now it's time for the singing competition. Can I get Big Time Rush to the stage!" My aunt says.

They go up there.

They call out some names. Then they call a name that surprises me.

They call my name. Why?!

I notice Kendall spot me. We are outside and there is a stage so they can all see me.

I just shake my head.

Peeta laughs. "Fuck you." I say.

He laughs and smirks.

"You're disgusting." I say.

Kendall comes down and grabs me by the arm. He tried to pull me. He doesn't try to hard before I'm pulled out of my seat.

They all start chanting my name.

I sing chandelier by Sia. I get standing ovations from my family.

I walk back down to my seat. I sit back down next to Peeta.

"No more kisses for the rest of the night." I whisper to him. He looks shocked at me.

"Don't don't this. Please Katniss. You know that you love me." He says

"That I do but no more kisses." I say.

The boys walk back up on stage. "And the winner is....... Katniss Everdeen!" They all four say together.

There are claps heard from all around the beach. Yep that's right. We live on the beach. It's amazing.

After the contest, everybody soon goes home. It's soon just the group.

"Well I'm going to bed." Peeta says.

I get up and walk with him. We get to our room and notice that it's really big. And I was right. The house is just a replica of my other one. We take showers and go to sleep. It has been a pretty eventful day!
Hiya! Hope that you liked the chapter. Please no hate for me putting a band in the story. I like them and it's my story. Please just don't hate.

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