Ch.12 Her

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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to Peeta calling me.

(On the phone)

"Hey Peeta."

"Good morning my sweet little princess."

"It is a great morning isn't it my prince?" I ask him with a Capital accent.

"Do you want to hang out after school?" He asks nervously.

"Of course. Oh and are we gonna to act as a couple now in school." I say starting to get my clothes for the day.

"Yeah. It will be so awesome. People will finally know that you are mine and that I am yours." he says like a child on Christmas morning.

"Okay well I need to get ready. Will you pick me up?" I ask him sweetly.

"Of course my dear sweet princess."

"Thank you." And with that we hang up.

I get a pair of hollister jeans and a white tank too with a peach colored cardigan. I then put on my white converse.

Then I put my hair in a braid that I always wear. I guess you could call it my signature braid.

I don't wear make up because I am not one of those annoying preppy girls that are so fake and wear way too much make up.

I go down stairs just to see Peeta pulling up.


"Bye mom. Bye Prim, be good at school today."

"Okay I will love you."

"Love you too little duck."

I walk out the door and Peeta gets out of the car to open the door for me.

He is just such a gentleman!

I just love him. But I am not going to tell him because I don't think he feels that way about me.

He may like me but I din think that he loves me. At least not like I love him.

When we pull up to the school I see that our parking spots are there. Like usual.

It's pretty cool being in the popular group.

We find the group.

"Hey guys." I say

"Hey." they all say.

"Are you guys all ready for Miss Trinket's auditions?" Clove asks excited.

"Those are today." Peeta asks.

"Yep." Clove says happily

We get 'fucks', 'shits', and many other words.

Clove signed us all up for drama incase we didn't get classes together. We got them all together.

"Whatever. You are so excited for this you will probably get the lead anyway."

"Nah you are such a good actress Kat." Clove tells me.

I look at her and laugh.

I am the only one laughing.

"Your not being serious are you?" I ask her.

"The to break it to you sweetie, but you are a great actress. If you want to believe it or not." Annie says sweetly.

"You guys are joking."

"No and Peeta will probably get the lead male role too." Cato says.

"Yay Kat and Peetie get the lead roles. It would be perfect." Finnick sequels.

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