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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to a pair of lips on my own. Their soft and warm. Immediately I kiss back knowing that it is Peeta. He pulls away.

"Good morning gorgeous." he says.

"That's a nice way to wake someone up." I smirk.

Then I realize that the group coming here was all a dream. I thought we had fun. I thought that I beat Peeta at wrestling again. But no, it's just a dream.

I must have scowled because Peeta looks at me confused.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I had a great dream that the group came and I beat you at wrestling again." I reply.

"Well you did pass out last night so I get why you would think that it was all a dream." he says laughing.

"What's so funny. I had a good dream." I say.

"Well because it wasn't a dream." he says.

"Really? You're not just saying that?" I ask getting excited.

"Really." he says. Just then Finnick walks through the door. I jumps up and hug him. He walks back, startled. Then he hugs me back.

"What's with the hugging?" Finnick asks me.

"She thought that you guys coming was just a dream." Peeta explains.

"Well we are all here." Finnick says.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Peter calls from downstairs.

We all walk calmly down the stairs. Well us girls anyways. The guys all try and beat each other to the kitchen.

It's a good thing that Peeta's grandparents are used to having a lot of people at their house because there are nineteen of us here.

The adults set up a table, or should I say tables, for us. Jocelyn is with them again though. She is a very well behaved child. Prim is with us.

"So Jake, you have been pretty quiet since Peeta brought Katniss. I thought that you had a girlfriend." Conner says.

"I did. But then we broke up. I am  seeing this new girl but we are not dating yet." Jake replies.

"What is her name?" Finnick asks.

"Her name is Delly." Jake says. Conner, Spencer, peeta and I and the group all start to choke on our food. Jake looks at us weird.

The adults rush in here. Peeta walks out of the house. I follow him out.

"Peeta stop." I say.

"Why! She always finds a way to ruin my life! Katniss, she is the reason that you went into the hospital for fucks sake!" He exclaims. His face is getting all red.

"I know that. But Jake doesn't." I say.

"I know that. It's just ugh! She will always find some way to ruin my life or yours." he says.

"Peeta look at me." I say. "she will eventually stop. She has to give up at some point right?" I say.

"I guess you're right but I want her to give up now. She needs to just leave us alone. Let us live our life together. She can go fuck herself." he says.

The group comes out with Conner and Spencer. I shake my head and they go back inside.

"Peeta, this trip my mother has ruined and now Delly is trying to ruin it by not even being here. Let's just enjoy this. We only have a couple more days here. Let's enjoy them." I say.

"You're right. I need to enjoy this and maybe she will leave me alone now that she has Jake." he says.

I kiss him and we walk back inside.

"What just happened?" Asked Jake.

"Umm we know Delly. She used to be in our group. We kicked her out because she became a whore. Katniss came and now she thinks that Kat took her spot in the group. She has been all over Peeta. Especially since they have started dating. She was the reason that Kat went into the hospital." Finnick explains.

"Oh." he says. "now I see why you all started to choke and Peeta is pissed." he says.

"Well we need to have fun. Let's go." Peeta says.

"We are all going on the boat so go and get ready children." grandma Mellark says.

We go and get our bathing suits on. Us kids get into the boat and the adults in the car again. We drive to the docks.

Peter drives again. Grandma Mellark requested to go to rock jump again. We all climbed up the rock. We all jumped. It took a little convincing Glimmer but then we got her to jump when Jo and I said that we would push her if she don't jump. That made her jump.

We kept doing that. We have a lot of fun as a family. I jumped with the girls and the it's were at the top. Or so I thought. Peeta wasn't up there with them.

Then I feel my self being pulled around behind another rock. I look around. I can't find anyone.

Arms snake around my waist. I turn around and see Peeta.

"Hello." I say.

"What no kiss?" He asks while pouting.

I kiss him. He starts to deepen the kiss. He licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth a little bit. The kiss soon turns French. I run my fingers through his hair. I nibble at his bottom lip. He moans in satisfaction. I pull away reluctantly.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." he says.

We go back to the rock and jump once more.

"Come on guys we are going to a small cove area." Jackson says .

We all climb back into the boat and Peter drives. We go to a small cove and Jocelyn plays in the sand. Us girls layout on the boat and tan.

We all have a wonderful time. This has been by far he best trip that I have ever been on. We may have had problems along the way but we still managed to make it fun.
Hiya! Sorry for the sucky chapter. Hope that your day was wonderful.

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