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Peeta's Pov

I run to Katniss and pick her up. I rush her to the hospital. I notice how pale she is. I run faster, if that is even possible.

I rush through the hospital doors and the nurses just take one look at her before taking her on a stretcher. The group comes running in threw the doors.

They all look around for me. They finally find me. The entire group rushes to me.

Finnick is the first to engulf me into a hug. I don't do anything but cry. I cry on his shoulder and he just pats my back.

We all wait and wait in the waiting room. I have stopped crying after about twenty minuets. I had cryer myself to sleep last night and I guess that I didn't have anymore tears left in me.

After about a half an hour, the doctor comes out."family and friends of Katniss Everdeen." he says

We all stand.

"Well she has lost a lot of blood and I don't think that she will make it," my entire world comes crashing down."that is unless we can get a blood donor."

I immediately say," I'll donate."

"What type if blood do you have?" The doctor asks me.

"I have A positive."

"Okay she has that too. Please come with me." he replies.

I walk to a room with a nurse. She instructs me to sit. I do as told. She cleans my arm and then sticks the needle in. When she has all that she needs, she takes out the needle and puts a bandage on it.

She then tells me to drink the orange juice and a cookie. I oblige.

I go back out to the group. We sit for about another five minutes. Then the doctor, who I am now aware is called Dr. Beetee, comes out. He says,"the blood transfer is fine you can go and see her. But I do want you to know that she is in a coma."

"When will she wake up?" Clove asks.

"It is not a question of when, it is a question of if. If she wants to wake up she will. If she doesn't want to, then she will die."

We all get up and run into her room. I am the first to get through the door. I just take one look at her and then I break down. She is hooked up to a heart monitor and has all of these wires in her arms.

I walk over to her and sit down. I grab tiny, fragile hand in mine and I just look

at her. I want her to wake up. I need her to wake up.

"You know Peeta, I did a report about comas ad try say that if you talk to the person that is in a coma, they can hear you and sometimes it helps them wake up." Gale says.

So I will try. I will talk to her so he can wake up. Unless she will never forgive me and if she heard my voice that will jut make her want to die quicker. I don't know. But I have I try.

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