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Katniss's Pov

It's Friday. I have one day and then I turn 18. I will legally be an adult.

The others agreed on just having a small party. And these just means us. I didn't know what to do so we ended up with that conclusion.

Peeta and I are driving home from school right now. He has been awfully quiet. I wonder why.

"Peeta?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Why have you been so quiet?" I ask him.

"I haven't been quiet."

"Yes you have." I argue.

"Have not."

"Have to"

By now we have pulled up to the house.

We get out and continue to argue. We walk into the house arguing.

"Have not."

"Have to." I yell.

"Have not."

"You know what? I'm done." I say and walk up the stairs to my room. I lock the door that way Peeta and the others can't come up.

I lay down on the bed and cry. I end up falling asleep.


Peeta's Pov

I walk into the kitchen. The others are all in there. They all look at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask.

"Why were you arguing?" Finnick asks.

"Because I have been trying to plan the party for tomorrow with you guys and she is getting suspicious." I explain.

"Oh." They all say.

"She hates me right now." I say.

"No she doesn't. Just wait. She'll get over it and then you'll be Katniss and Peeta. Everybody's relationship goals." Finnick says.

"Yeah okay." I attempt to laugh.

Then we hear screaming.


I rush up the stairs and into our room. Well, the door to our room. She locked the door. I run downstairs to get a key that I made for our room. Everyone has one. I burst through the door. I see Katniss thrashing around. I rush to her side.

"Katniss baby, wake up. It's not real. I'm not going to leave you. It's alright. I'm right here." I say in an attempt to wake her up.

She continues to thrash about. Why isn't she waking up?

I pull her into my lap and rock her a little that way she can feel it and wake up.

She thrashed for about five more minutes but then open her beautiful eyes.

"Peeta?" She asks.

"Yeah it's me." I reply.

She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly.

"Please don't leave me." She whispers.

"I won't ever leave you. Unless you want me to." I say.

"I never want you to leave me."

"Then I'll never leave you."

She looks up at me. I lean down and kiss her. We break apart shortly after.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask.

"For arguing with you over something so stupid."

"I should have just told you. I'm taking you out tomorrow. It will be amazing." I say. "I hope." I laugh

"As long as it's with you, everything is amazing." She pecs my lips.

We get up, interlace our hands and go down stairs. The group is now on the couch. When we walk in, all of their heads turn to look at us.

Finnick and Annie smile when they see that our hands are interlaced.

"See. Now your back to being everyone's relationship goals." Johanna laughs.

That causes the rest us us all to laugh. 


"So Kat. You're the only one left that's seventeen. How should we enjoy this last day with our last seventeen year old?" Marvel asks.

"Dare or darest." Cato suggests.

"Sure lets play." I say.

We all get in a circle and Finnick grabs and bottle from the kitchen.

He spins it. It lands on me.

"Dare." I say not wanting to go to far.

"I dare you to play twenty minuets in heaven with..." He thinks, "nah it's your birthday tomorrow, play it with Peeta." He says giving up.

I grab Peeta's hand and lead him into our bedroom.

Once the door is shut I grab Peeta's face and kiss him. My hands travel to his hair and his hands are on my waist.

I bend my legs and jump onto him. I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me up by my butt.

Is it weird to say that I love it when his hands are in my butt? They just feel so right.

He starts to walk somewhere but ends up running into a wall. I laugh against his lips.

"Are you okay in there?" I hear Finnick yell through the door.

I don't bother to reply and neither does Peeta. We just kiss each other.

Eventually, our time is up. Finnick almost had to bust down the door.

We pull apart and walk out of the room.

"God what were you guys doing in there?" Marvel asks.

"Nothing. " Peeta and I both reply at the same exact time.

We all laugh.

We sit back down.

I spin. It lands on Glimmer.

"Dare." She says.

"I dare you to stuff Ice cream in your bra and panties and sit with them in there until it all melts. " I say.

"Fuck you." She says.

"Love you to." I say.

She gets up and goes to the kitchen. She comes back looking freezing.

"Thank you Katniss."

"You are very welcome Glimmer." I say.

We continue to play for a little while longer.

After a few more rounds, we head to bed.
Hope that you liked the chapter!

Also, please go and check out cogdill !!!! Her books are fucking fantastic!!!!!!

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