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Katnss's Pov

"Umm... my mother she umm... she beats me." he says awkwardly.

"SHE DOES WHAT?!" I scream.

"Yeah he has done it sine we were little. I don't know why and she has never given me an explanation."

"Peeta I am so sorry. Would you like me to try and heal it."

"I don't know what could possibly make it better." he says and looks down.

"Well would this help?" I ask seductivly as I get closer and closer to him and make our lips jut about touch.

"Just kiss me already." he says and our lips brush against each other.

I lean in and kiss him. Then we start to fall onto my bed.

He is on too of me but not laying all of his weight on me.

I steamer I take his shirt if but then realize what I was doing. I think he does too.

"I'm so sorry Peeta. I have no clue what I was thinking."

"No I am sorry. I shouldn't have let it got that far." He says

"No it wasn't your fault Peeta. Don't blame yourself." I plead.

"Fine lets just agree to disagree. Or we can just say that it was both of our faults."he concludes

"Okay either way is fine."

"Well we should get to sleep." He suggests

"Okay. We will either be woken up by my alarm clock or my sister."

He just laughs.

"No I am not kidding. And if she can't get us up she will get Glimmer."

"Okay." he says then shuts up. I turn off the light and run into my bed. Since I was little I did this. I was always afraid of the monsters that were going to get me. I guess that it is just an old habit.

Peeta laughs," you do know that nothing is going to get you right?"

"Yes as a matter if fact I do. It is just an old habit. Now let's go to bed. I love you."

I love you too.

That night I wake with no nightmares.
The next day

I wake to the sound of my alarm clock. I attempt to turn around to turn it off, but then notice that I am in Peeta's embrace. I try to turn again. I eventually give up. I just smack it.

Then I start to feel a stirring under me. I realize that Peeta is waking up. Thank goodness otherwise we would have been late.

"Hello gorgeous." he Sas with his sexy husky morning voice.

God how I love it.

I say, "good morning my handsome and sexy boyfriend."

"Oh so you find this handsome and sexy?" He asks and attempts to strike a pose but doesn't work because he is still holding me.

"As a matter-o-factly I do." I say and kiss him

"Well I think that this would make me look even sexier." he says. Just after he said this he leans in and gives me a passionate kiss.

"That does make you sexier. Well we should start to get ready." I suggest.

"Good idea."

He was up and walks out of the room. He goes to change. I take a quick shower and get ready.

I wear a sunset orange crop
top with white shorts. Then I put on my white stilettos.

Peeta comes back in with a forest green t-shirt on and white shorts.

"We are not that couple." I say

"Well I guess that we are." he says

"Let's just go we are going to be late."


With that we drive off to the school.

When we get there Peeta gets out and opens my door for me just like every other day. It is just great.

"Thank you Peeta" I say thankfully.

"You are welcome my princess."

Before I et to say anything, he cuts me off, " and don't you say that you are not a princess because you are my princess."


We reach our friends and go to talk to them. Then the bell rings. Time for drama.

When we get there Miss Trinket is there. She says, "all of you must sing a song even though this isn't music class, you all will sing and I may change your roles in the play. no matter you want to or not, you will sing. Delly Cartwrite."

Delly walks up to the stage. She starts to sing. She is awful. I am not even quite sure what song she is singing because of how awful she is. The rest of the group thinks the same thing.

"Thank you Delly. That was umm something. Katniss Everdeen."

Really I have to go now. This sucks. I sing a song that I wrote when I was younger and had just lost my father.

'There was a time when I was alone.'

'No where to go and no place to call home.'

' my only friends was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too.'

' then one night as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow flying high.'

' he came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted I talk for a while he said," peer pan thats what they call me I promise that you'll never be lonely.'

'Ever since that day.'

' I am a lost boy form never land. Always hanging out with peter pan. And when were bored we play in the woods always on the run from captain hook.'

' run run lost boy, they say to me. Away from all of reality.'

'Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free.'

'He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe, believe in him and believe in me. Together we will fly away in cloud of green. To your beautiful destiny. As we soured above the town that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family. Soon enough we reached never land peaceful my feet hit the sand and for always I will say,'

'I am a lost boy from never land usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we are bored we play in the woods always on the run from caption hook.'

'Run run lost boy, they say to me, away from all of reality. Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost it's like me are free.'

As I finish I see that Ms.Trinket is crying.

I look and see that the rest if my friends are also.

Wow. Maybe, just maybe I can sing. That would be great.

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