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Peeta's Pov

It has been a week since Katniss went into the coma. She hasn't shown any sign of waking up. I haven't left her side the entire time. The only time that I level is to use the restroom. Other than that I am here right by her side. I haven't told her about the while Delly thing. I might as well do it now.

"Katniss. I miss you so much. I know that ou probably hate me right now an don't want to even hear me. But please wake up. Also about the while Delly thing. She kissed me. I was at my locker and she came up to me. She pinned me there and waited till she saw you coming. Then she kissed me. She made sure tat you and the rest of the girls were there to see it. The rest if the group knows now," I start to cry. I need her to wake up. I need her. Period."katniss please wake up. I love you so much." I say and lean down to kiss her.

Suddenly I feel her kissing back. Oh my god she is waking up. She is actually waking up. I pull away and look into those adorable gray eyes that I fell in love with. The ones that keep making me fall farther and farther in love.

"You're awake." I say with tears streaming down my face. To be honest, I was losing hope.

"Yeah I am awake and I could hear everything that you said to me. I love you Peeta." she says back.

"I love you too. Please don't ever lead me again." I say.

"I won't I promise." she says smiling. I can't believe that I have Katniss back. I press the button that calls the nurses in. They all come looking relieved. Katniss's mom and sister come in. Plutarch does also. They all rush to give her a hug. The nurses do some tests on her. They say that she can leave once the discharge papers are signed. Plutarch and Mrs.Everdeen go to sign them.

I call the group and they are all here in less that five minutes.

"I am so glad that you are away Kat." Marvel says

"We missed you Kat." Annie says

"I missed you all too." she says

Her mom and Plutarch come back in saying that he can go change an they can go home. she goes to the bathroom to change and comes back out ready to leave. We all walk out and go I our separate cars. I pull Katniss back for a second.

"So what are we now?" I ask

" Well I don't know because I did break up with you." she says sadly.

"Well Katniss Violet Everdeen, will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask her.

"Umm let me think about it," she says and my heart breaks a little,"kidding of course I will be our girlfriend again." she says an kisses me.

I hear a chorus of 'awwws' from all around us. I pull away from Katniss and drive home. I get home to see my dad on the couch watching the game.

"Hey son long time no see." he says getting up from off of the couch and coming to hug me.

"Yeah" I say back as we hug

"So I take it that she is awake now?" He raises an eyebrow

"Yeah I am so happy." I tell him.

"Hey why don't you invite her and her family over for dinner this weekend?" He suggests.

"I think that would be a great idea dad." I smile.

I go upstairs and get ready for bed. I fall asleep dreaming of Katniss. As always.

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