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Katniss's Pov

Thanksgiving is next week. I feel a little nervous because I haven't celebrated it since my dad was alive. This will be he first Thanksgiving that my family celebrates, if we do, in about six or seven years. I am driving to school and listening to music right now.

I pull up to my parking spot. People are giving me weird looks. I know why though.

Normally Peeta would have driven me to school. He had to work this morning until about ten minutes before school so he couldn't pick me up in time.

It's about ten till the bell rings so he should be leaving about now.

I walk to the tree and see Peeta. He smiles at me. I run up to him and give him a big bear hug. Don't ask me why though because I don't even know.

"How are you here?" I ask him.

"I just walked out and left." he says. I give him a look. "okay no my mom wasn't there so I left." he whispers to me.

I just nod and give him a kiss.

"Come with me really quick." he says getting up. He offers me his hand and I take it.

We walk around to the back of the school building.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Would you like to spend Thanksgiving with me and my family? Only if you aren't already doing something with yours." he asks.

"I would love to Peeta." I reply smiling like an idiot. But, I don't care. He is my boyfriend and I love him.

"Why did we have to come back here though." I ask.

"Because if we were out there I wouldn't be able to do this." he smirks.

He crashed his lips to mine. His lips are so warm and soft. Our lips move in perfect synchronization. It feels like they were meant to fit like two pieces to a puzzle.

Peeta licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth a little bit and our tongues fight for victory.

Eventually the bell rings signaling that it is time for class to start. Peeta and I break away reluctantly.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." he replies and pecks me in the lips once more.

We walk to class hand in hand. We take our seats and enjoy the day.

Peeta and I went to my house and told my mom and Plutarch that I am going with him. He says that they are going to his grandparents. They live in Arizona. Lake Havasu to be exact.( great place I will put a pic of it when I go.)

It's really hot there. He comes up to my room to help me pack.

I pack a couple bathing suits. He told me that we are going to go on a boat. Yayayayayaya! I have never been on one so I would love to do that.

I pack a couple crop tops and short shorts. Then I pack sandals and I am ready to go!
Time Skip to the day they leave.

Peeta and I are taking his car. It is about a four hour drive from where we live to Lake Havasu.

We mostly talk the whole way there.

A song by Big Time Rush comes on. I love them. The song that came on is called untouchable.

I personally think that it describes me and Peeta very well.

I sing along to the song.

I finish the song and look at Peeta. He has a smile on his face.

Soon enough we get to his grandparents house. It is huge.

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