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Katniss's Pov

I wake up in the kitchen next to Peeta. What happened last night? Oh that's right we were playing truth O'Dair and Johanna was about to kill us all.

We had tried to get her and Gale to play 7 minutes in heaven but that didn't work. So we played truth O'Dair. We told them to play that game and Johanna went ballistic. Literally I was about to pee my pants because she was scaring me. Me and Peeta had been in the kitchen hiding a little but not really that way if we had to jump and run, we could. Then we got tired and I must have fallen asleep in Peeta's arms. It is a very comfy place. You can't judge me.

I stretch out and try to get up without waking Peeta. I did that unsuccessfully. I watch him as his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning." I greet him.

"Good morning beautiful." he replies.

Right when I was about to reply, my stomach starts to rumble/growl.

"Sounds like someone is hungry." Peeta chuckles

"Yeah, so get up and make me breakfast!" I exclaim. "please." I ask

"Okay but you need to give me a little something first." he smirks. I just smirk back at him. I give him a quick peck on the lips.

" Is that better for you? I ask.

"Yes it actually is. Now what do you want for breakfast."

"CHEESE BUNS!!!!" I scream.

Then I hear footsteps from down the hall.

"Kat why the fuck are you being so mother fucking loud? We were all sleeping." says Gale.

"Sorry. It's just because Peeta is going to make me cheese buns for breakfast." I tell then while I have the biggest smile on my face.

"Well that doesn't give you the excuse to be so loud!" Exclaims Glimmer.

"Sorry Glim. I just love Peeta's cheese buns." I tell them

"Yeah we all know that you love his buns Kat." smirks Finnick

"Shut the fuck up Finnick!" I send him a death glare. If looks could kill, he would be dead.

"Sorry but when does any human being know me, Finnick O'Dair, to be quiet. I am loud and I am proud. So therefore, I will not 'shut the fuck up,' as you say."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes," Peeta will you make me cheese buns now?"

"Yes babe I will." he goes to get all of the ingredients.

"Wait, Kat, why and how were you already in the kitchen without one of us," Annie says gesturing to the rest of the group," waking up?"

"Oh that's because when Johanna was trying to kill us all, me and Peeta hid in here but it wasn't the best palace that way we can jump out if needed, but we fell asleep against the cupboards. Then whoop-ty-do, we are all here."

"Okay that explains it so do you want to go and get ready girls?" Asks Clove.

"Yeah but where is Johanna?" I ask skeptically.

"Oh I think she is still sleeping. How she slept through your screaming is beyond me." says Cato.

"Let's go wake her up." Annie suggests.

"That could be dangerous," Peeta tells her," we all saw what happened last night imagine what would happen if we woke her up."

"He is right. Why don't we all just get dressed ad she can get ready when she wakes up ON HER OWN." I say emphasizing 'on her own'

So us girls go and get dressed an out our makeup on. We all know that I will be the first one done ad Glimmer will be the last. That chick is crazy for clothes, shoes, makeup, whatever is for fashion and to make you look pretty. Even though she doesn't need it to be pretty, she is beautiful without it. Don't think that I am a lesbian or anything it's just that she is my friend and I believe that.

We walk back down the stairs and are hit with the most beautiful aroma. CHEESE BUNS!!! I knew that we were having these but I still love them.

"YASSS CHEESE BUNS!!!!!!" I scream while running to the plate. I go to grab them, I hear Peeta saying something, "what those are-"

"Ouch those buns are hot." I say and drop the cheese bun. Then I hear Peeta finish his sentence, "scorching."

I look down at my hand and see that it is already red. That is going to be a blister.

"Here Kat put that under the water." Peeta says

I walk over and out my hand in the water. Instantly when my hand touches the water, it feels a million times better.

Once the buns are cooled we eat and then the girls go shopping. The guys just hang out while we do that. Then I go home and fall asleep. But not after getting a goodnight phone call from Peeta. I love him with all of my heart.

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