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Peeta's Pov

Beep beep beep

That's my alarm clock going off. Great it's Monday. Oh how I love Mondays. #sarcasm. Whatever the only good thing about it is that I get to see Katniss. She is my world. I'm not quite sure what I would do without her.

I get ready for school and walk out the door. I have to pick up Katniss. On my way, I sing along to the music that I have in my phone. I also have to skip some of the big time rush songs that Katniss put on here. She claims that they are awesome. I don't et what is so big about them. I mean, they aren't even together anymore. She likes them though so I don't give a shit. I jut skip them. Soon enough I get I Kat's house. As I pull up, she comes out the door.

"Hey babe." she says as she gets in the car and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Hey." I say and kiss her cheek. While we drive to the school Kat has her own concert in the passengers seat. Little does she know that I recorded it all. She is going I hate me later. Then she will be fine with me because she can't stay mad at me for long. We pull up I the school and I park in my usual parking spot. I give Katniss a kiss, but then it becomes more like a little make-out session. We both blush when we break apart.

We get out and go to our spot with the group. "Hey guys" Kat says.

"Hey how are you guys doing this wonderful Monday morning?" Asks Finnick way to dramatically. But, that's Finnick O'Dair for you. Always dramatic and always funny.

"Well it started horrible. But then-" I am cut off by and person saying my name in a singsong voice. That could only be one person. Delly!

We all turn to look at her.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Well isn't it obvious? I want you." She replies while he is drawing circles on my chest with her finger. That mother fucking slut.

"Well to bad because no matter what, you will never get me. Katniss already has me." I say while shoving her off of me.

"Don't be like that. You could just dump her right here and right now if you wanted to." she smiles evily.

"I don't want to and will never want to break up with her. The only way for me to leave her, is if she wanted me to." I put my arm protectively around Katniss's waist.

"So move along you little whore." Katniss says I her with a smile. I love her so much. Delly walks off while swinging her hips. 'HOE!' I scream that in my head. Then the bell rings.

We all walk to first period.
Katniss's Pov

The day drags on. The only way I got through it was Peeta. Well, him and Starbucks. He got it for me at lunch because I fell asleep at the lunch table. I didn't get any sleep last night because if nightmares. I wonder how Prim is doing. I might have kept her and Glimmer up all night with my screams. The only reason Glimmer is getting through the day is Starbucks that Cato has gotten her. she has had like three. It is only like one.
Time skip to last period

Still Katniss's Pov

Peeta had to quickly run out of the room to get something from his locker. I am just taking my sweet time. I gather my stuff and walk out with the girls. we are all laughing. That is until we say a sight that made us all drop our books.


I am so furious right now that the girls have frightened looks on their faces. They know that I am going to blow. I try to keep calm and cool. But that doesn't work.

I walk over to them and pull Delly off of Peeta. then that is when the tears start.


"Katniss I-" he starts but I cut him off.

" No I don't want to hear it. We are through!" I tell him. I run out of the school and I run to the only place that I know I can have peace in. The woods.
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