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Katniss's Pov

I can't believe that my mother did that! She infuriates me! She starts with hitting me and I am okay with that but then she stars to hit Prim. Uh Uh. No way. She can't just keep getting away with this.

Prim is at Rue's house right now and I am with the girls. They all know what happened. They all know that Prim will be living with us.

Plutarch told us that the house will be done in three days. We were all ecstatic! All of their parents are okay with it so we all get to spend the rest of the year together.

None of us have seen the house. I think that it will just be a replica of my old house mostly.

The girls and I go back to Peeta's house. He was working today so the guys hung out without him.

When we walk in we see a sight that I never thought I would have I see. Peeta is on the floor, barely conscious with bruises and blood all over him.

"PEETA!" I scream.

That makes Peter, Conner, and Peeta's grandparents come running into the house . I didn't even now that they were here.

I rush over to Peeta.

"No stay awake Peeta. You can't leave me. Stay with me." I cry.

"Always." he says just before his eyes close.

"No." I whisper.

Finnick and the guys come rushing in. Why are they here? Oh that's right, Peeta's shift was supposed to be done five minutes ago.

When they see Peeta's state they all go pale. None of them know about his mother. I think Finnick might know but I'm not sure.

"We need to get him to the hospital." Finnick says on the verge of crying. I mean, it's his best friend so I get it.

"Already on it." Conner says hanging up the phone.

Soon we hear sirens. Paramedics come in and put him on a stretcher.

"What happened?" On of them asks.

"He was working his shift at the bakery and then we found him like this." Finnick says.

"Okay we need to get him to the hospital immediately." The other paramedic says.

They put him in the ambulance and they take Peter with them. I continue to cry. He can't leave me. He just can't. I need him.


Annie's Pov

Katniss has been crying for about on hour now. I'm surprised that she isn't out of tears yet. But, to be honest, if it was Finnick, I would be just like her. She has been crying onto my shoulder .

"Katniss. Sweetie. Do you want to go to the hospital?" I ask her.

She just nods her head. Probably not not trusting her voice right now.

I drive her to the hospital. The rest of the group meets us there.

We all sit in the waiting room with Peeta's family. We wait and we wait.


Katniss's Pov

I stare blankly at the wall. I like the wall. It's white. It's plain. It's my new best friend. Yeah, the wall is my friend.

I get snapped out of my daydream of the white wall be Finnick shaking me. I look up at him.

"Did you know about Peeta's mother?" He asks quietly so no one else hears us.

I nod my head. He just sits back down in his seat.

The doctor comes out.

"Peeta Mellark." he says.

We all look up at him.

"He has a broken leg and a few broken ribs. Also has a major concussion and is also in a coma." he says.

He is in a coma.

He is in a coma.

My Peeta is in a coma.

"You may go and see him if you would like." the doctor says and walks away.

We all walk to his room. He lays life less on the bed.

"Also, if he doesn't wake up in two weeks, we are turning off the lights support." The doctor says popping his head in the door then back out.

My knees feel weak. I don't think that they are going to support me much longer.

And I was right. I fall to the nasty floor of the hospital.

I cry. I cry and cry. Annie and the girls all wrap their arms around me. We sit there for I don't know how long.

Eventually I sit in the chair next to his bed. I grab his hand. Everyone has left the room.

"Peeta please wake up. I love you and I can't live without you. If you die, I die. You complete me Peeta. You keep me sane. You help me. I need you. Please Peeta, wake up." I cry.

Annie comes in a couple hours later. She puts a hand in my shoulder. I look up at her.

"He is going to be okay. He is strong. He won't leave you all alone. Peeta will wake up." she tells me.

I just cry again.

"It will be okay sweetie."

"But I want him to wake up right now. I need him." I cry into her shirt.

She rubs my back soothingly.

I end up falling asleep with my head on the bed. No nurses came to tell me that visiting time was over. So I stayed.
Please don't kill me! I hope you liked the chapter.

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