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Katniss Pov

I just got hit in the head with something. I am not quite sure what it was. All that I know is that it hurt. Really really bad. Who did this?

Oh that's right me and Peeta scared the rest of the group by hiding and they came to look for us. I must have scared one of them so badly that they had to hit me with a hard, I think metal, object.

"Ow that hurt." I state.

"Well I would imagine it hurt. You just got hit with a frying pan thanks to Glimmer. You scared the shit out of her." say Finnick.

"I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sooooo sorry Katniss. I really didn't mean to. I just got scared and grabbed the first thing that I saw and hit you with it on accident."

"That's fine Glim. But I have one question for you Finnick. Why do you have a frying pan upstairs? The kitchen is down stairs." I say

"Oh that's because I cooked eggs about a week ago and wanted to eat them in my room. So I must have left the pan up here when I did that. Whoops." he smiles

"You have problems Finnick O'Dair. Many many problems." I shake my head.

"That's is okay with me. We all have problems so we can go to therapy together. That would be so much fun!" Finnick squeals like a little girl. To be honest he is like a little girl. If you didn't know him and didn't know that Annie was his girlfriend, then you would think that is so gay that he is the queen of gays. Yes, I said queen.( that's what I call my coaches so I wanted to put it in there. Okay carry on with your story.)

"Let's go get ready for bed like Peeta and Katniss have already done and we can just hang out and maybe okay some games. Sound like a plan?" Asks Annie.

We get many yeses. They all go to the other rooms. Since we are all couples besides Joanna and Gale, we all shares room. We even made Joanna and Gale share one. I think that we should play games that will get Joanna and Gale together. Then the entire group would be a coupe. That would be so much funnnnnnn.

"We should play seven minutes in heaven." I suggest

"Yeah that's a great idea." says Peeta knowing the reason that I want to 'play'

I tell the girls my plan and Peeta tells the guys. We all agree on it. The plan is to 'put all of our names' into a hat but actually just put Joanna's name and do the same with the boys but with Gale's name. Then BOOM they are together. It may not be the best plan, but it is still a plan.
Hiya! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Anyway plz vote and comment!

Special shout out to MCGreekGeek and @Marisol117 for voting and commenting and giving me helpful feedback! Thanks for all the help!!

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