Ch.11 The next morning

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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to the sound of voices. Again.

Why can't they just leave us alone. Wait those aren't my friends voices. Those are my mom and Glimmer and Marvel's parents voices.

Oh no. Me, Glimmer, and Marvel forgot to ask if we could even have a sleepover with our friends.

And we are all sleeping with our boyfriends and girlfriends. let's just hope that they don't get mad.

The voices start to get quieter. Then they go away completely.

Thanks goodness. That could have been bad. Then I feel like I am being shaken.

I open my eyes to see Glimmer looking down at me with wide eyes.

She must have heard the voices of our parents too. We could be in so much trouble.

"Kat get up." She says.

I lazily get up.

"Let's wake the rest of them up." I tell her.


We go around and see that almost everybody is already awake.

They must have heard the voices.

"Did you guys hear the voices?" I ask.


I look to Marvel and he looks worried. Then we all hear footsteps.

Oh no.

"Katniss, Glimmer, Marvel, will you come upstairs for a second?" Glimmer's mother asks us.

"Of course Aunt Sparkle."
(Sorry for the weird name but I thought that it should match Glimmer a little.)

The three of us walk upstairs. We know that we are in trouble.

"Did you guys ask us to have a sleepover?" My uncle asks us.

"No sir. We did not and we are very sorry." I say

"Thank you Katniss. But what do you all have to say for yourselves?" My mother says.

"We can't do any thing to fix it so we are very sorry and it will not happen again." Marvel says.

"Very well then. Get back to your friends. You are lucky that we like them and that they are all sweet and nice and respectful." My aunt says.

"Okay." Glimmer says.

The three of us walk back downstairs to our friends.

"We can leave if you need us too." Clove suggests.

"No you are staying. We can't do anything to fix this so what is done is done." Glimmer says.

"Okay then, what does everybody want for breakfast?" Peeta asks.

We get the answer of scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and other things that I don't really care about.

"Okay." Peeta says walking into the kitchen.

"Oh Kat, Glimmer, go ask your parents what they want." Peeta tells me and Glimmer.

We walk in to see our parents.

"Peeta is making breakfast, what would you guys like?" Glimmer asks.

"Oh that poor boy doesn't have to make us breakfast again."Glimmer's mother says.

"We all know that it is no use trying to get him to stop baking so jut tell us what you want." I say.

"Whatever that boy is already making is perfectly fine." My mother says.

"Okay." I say and me and Glimmer walk back down stairs.

"Just what you are already making."

"Okay then." Peeta says.
Skip to after breakfast.

"Wow Peeta that was amazing." I say.

"Thank you Kat."

"You are very welcome."

With that we share a kiss and he drives home.

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