Ch.8 I think I love her

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Peeta's Pov

When I get home I start to think. I am thinking about a lot. I decide to call Finnick.

"Hey man."I say

"Hey what's up?"

"I can tell you anything right?" I ask.

"Yeah dude of course you can. But just so you know, you are starting to sound like a girl." he says laughing.

"Whatever. You can not tell a living soul what I am about to tell you. You got that?"

"Yeah for sure man."

"Okay," I take a deep breath," I think that I love Katniss."

"Oh man that's great."

"No it's not. I know that she doesn't love me back. I just can't help it. I mean the way she looks when she smiles. Her hair, lips, just everything about her. Don't even get me started on her eyes. The way they sparkle when she is truly happy. Or when she is pissed off at you or Cato or Marvel, they get that stormy grey. She is just perfect."

"Dude I know how you feel. I feel the same way about Annie. I just told her how I felt and now we are dating. That's what I took her to the yard earlier this morning for."

"Yeah, well it's different for me. Okay? I just get so nervous around her. When I was comforting her last night and she asked me to stay with her I felt so happy."

"Then tell her man."

"I can't. I mean I can but mentally I can't."

"Okay whatever Annie is coming over so you come over to my house in like ten minutes and we will all talk. Okay?"

Time skip to Finnick's.

I knock on the door. About two seconds later Finnick answers.

"Well hello."

"Hay man."

I walk in and see Annie on the couch.

"Sit." She says sternly.

I very nervously sit down. This girl is kind of scaring me. I thought that she was all sweet and can't get mean. I was very wrong.

"Peeta, you need to just tell her."

"But you don't get it. Your a girl. You girls are the ones that get asked out. Not the ones that have to ask them out."

"Well that doesn't matter."


"Listen to me Peeta, just ask her to hang out and see how he acts."

"She won't act any different than when she does around the others. She doesn't like me back."

"I don't know Peeta. You won't know until you ask."

"Whatever I got to go before my mother gets mad."

With that I get up and leave. I wonder what she meant by, 'you won't know until you ask.'
Time skip to Monday morning at school

I pull up to my parking spot that is always saved for me and the rest of the group has their own too. Then Katniss pulls into her spot. I start to get nervous.

She turns her head and sees me. I hope that she can't tell that I am nervous. Then she gets out.

She walks to my car and opens the door.

"Are you okay Peea?" She asks.

Oh no she was able to tell. I need to learn to hide that better.

"Oh yeah I am perfectly fine."

"Don't lie to me."

Damn it.

"Fine. Can we go somewhere private I need to talk to you."


I get out and we walk to a little private area that I know.

I take a deep breath.

"Okay I know that we have only known each other for a week. But, we did grow up together before moved away. But I can't hide this anymore. I have really strong feelings for you and I have since we were five. I am sorry for jut putting this all on you."

I get it all out quickly. She just stands there dumbfound.

I start to think that I was right. She doesn't love me.

"Peeta! I have feelings for you too! I was worried that you didn't like me back."

Then out of nowhere she pulls me into a kiss.

Can this day get any better?!

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