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Katniss's Pov

Halloween is in three weeks. I am so excited! It's my favorite holiday ever!

I am going to be a cop. Annie is going to be a black cat. Glimmer is going to be Alice in wonderland. Clove is going to be Minnie Mouse. Johanna is going to black widow.

I am so excited. I have no idea what the guys are going to be. I don't think that they are actually dressing up. Well that sucks for them because is girls are making them dress up since Glimmer is throwing a Halloween party.

We are going to buy are costumes now. We haven't boughten them yet because, well really, there is no because. We just haven't boughten them yet.

We go into a Halloween store and find costumes that suit what we are going to be.(pics at the top or the side)

We pay for our costumes then leave. we meet up with the boys at the malls food court.

"Hey guys!" Johanna says.

"Woah. Johanna what got you so peppy." Finnick asks

"It's Halloween damn it! I love this holiday." she replies.

"Okay sorry for asking." Finnick cowers.

"So did you girls find your costumes?" Gale asks us all.

"Yeah." we all say in unison.

"Can we see them?" Cato asks.

"Fuck no. You can know what we are. Maybe." Clove says.

"Okay sorry. Tell us what you are going to be." Cato says.

"I am going to be a cop." I say and I see Peeta smile.

"I am going to be a black cat." Annie says.

"How am I supposed to match that!" Finnick whines.

"I don't know Finn. That's not my problem." she replies.

"I am going to The Queen of Hearts." Glimmer says.

"I am going to be Minnie Mouse." Clove says.

"And I am going to be black widow." Johanna says.

"What about you guys?" I ask.

"I am going to be The Mad Hatter." Cato says.

"I will be hawk eye." Gale says

"I'll be Mickey Mouse." Says Marvel.

"I shall be a prisoner." Peeta says.

"I still don't know how I am going to match a black cat." Finnick whines.

"Just be one also and stop your complaining." Annie states.

"Okay then." he replies.
Time Skip to Halloween Party

We all get in a limo to get to the party. Thanks to Plutarch.

Once we get there, the party really starts.

We were all having a great time when delay deicides to come up to Peeta.

"Hey Peeta." she purrs.

I'm about to jump her but Peeta holds me back subtle like. That way no one notices.

"What do you want now Cartwright?!" Cato says.

"What I want is for Peeta to date me and dump that slut that he calls his girlfriend." she says.

"Katniss is no slut. She is amazingly talented. She can do amazing things. What can you do? Oh yeah, that's right, nothing!" Annie exclaims in her face.

"Now you have strawberry over here fighting your fights?" Delly ask me.

"No it's just that when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." I reply smirking.

"Whatever." she replies and walks away.

The rest of the night we just enjoy ourselves. Once we get home we all relax and go to sleep.
Sorry that is short. I had it all written and wattpad deleted over half of it!

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