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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to the smell of something burning. I jolt awake. Peeta does also.

"Stay here." I tell him.

I run downstairs and see smoke. I open windows and try to fan the smoke out. Soon enough I get most of it out.

"What the fuck happened!" I exclaim.

"Glimmer tried to cook." Marvel says.

"Really Glim. Leave the cooking to everyone else. We all know that you can't cook. What were you making?" I ask her.

"I tried to make toast." She says. I slap my forehead with my palm.

"I'm going back upstairs." I say and walk away. I walk back into my room and see that Peeta actually listened to me.

"Do you actually stayed up here?" I ask.

"Yep." he says popping the p. "that means that I was a good boy and good boys deserve rewards." he says.

"And what might that be?" I ask.

"That would be this." he says grabbing my waist and pulling me down to the bed and kissing me. I kiss him back.

The door opens and someone yells, "ugh gross. I really did not need to see that."


"Go away asshole." I say.

"I was just telling you just breakfast is ready but I see that you guys are already eating each other's faces off." he says walking back out.

"Well that just happened. Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas Eve ." Peeta says.

"Merry Christmas Eve baby." I reply and kiss him again.

We got out of bed and get ready. I put on a red sweater and white jeans with white wedges. Peeta puts on a green shirt with black jeans and converse.

We walk downstairs. Or well, Peeta crutches down. We reach the dinning room and everyone is already eating.

"Hey guys." They say.

We eat and Peeta and I have to go to Peeta dad's house and we are spending the night there. We are having a family Christmas, plus Katniss. Peeta says that I'm part of the family but I just hate it that I make him take me everywhere. I guess that I don't make him but still.

We say goodbye and leave. I drive to his house and we knock on the door. Conner answers it.

"Come in lil bro and soon to be lil sis." Conner says laughing. Peeta hits him upside the head. I laugh.

Jake is there and so is the rest of Peeta's family. Some of them I haven't met yet.

"Katniss. Peeta." Peeta's grandmother says hugging us. We hug her back.

A man comes up to us. "Hey Peeta. How you doing man?" The man asks.

"Pretty good. How about you?" Peeta asks.

"Good. And who is this fine young lady?" He asks.

"This is Katniss. My girlfriend. Kat, this is my uncle Percy." Peeta introduces me.

"Nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.

"You too." he says and walks away.

Peter comes to us. "Hey guys. How are you?" He asks.

"Pretty good." Peeta and I say in unison. That makes us laugh.

"That's great! Also, Peeta I mad you an appointment with the orthopedic for today. They said that they wanted to take a look and see if you can have it off. Its in about a half hour." he says looking at the clock.

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