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Katniss's Pov


It's been two weeks. Two weeks. Nothing has changed. Peeta still lays lifeless on the hospital bed.

I haven't left his side for two weeks. Unless it was to use the restroom.

Annie informed the nurses why I wouldn't leave so they let me stay.

The doctor comes in. I know what that means.

"Miss Everdeen, we are going to have to turn off the life support in the next half hour if he doesn't wake up. I'm sorry." He says sincerely.

The tears don't hesitate to flow. He leaves the room and the group comes in. They all look sad.

Peeta's family then comes in next. I notice that his mother hasn't been here at all since the accident. I guess I can call it that. For now.

Once the doctor comes in they all leave.

"Please just give him a little while longer. I need him. I can't live without him." I say.

"In sorry but we have to. I don't have a choice. I'll give you five minutes alone with him since all of his friends and family were in with you." he says and walks out again.

"Peeta please. You have to wake up. I need you. I can't live without you. If you die, I'll probably kill myself. I need you Peeta. Come back to me. Please." I cry.

I kiss him. I could be the last time that I can do that.


Peeta's Pov.

I can hear Katniss talking to me. I try and reply but I can't.

I see a figure in the distance. It's my great-grandmother. Its my father's grandmother.

"Hi GiGi." I say.

"Hello Peeta." She says.

"How am I seeing you right now. Am I dead?" I ask.

"Not quite yet. But you need to choose. Right now. You can come stay with me," she says and shows me a path that leads to a beautiful meadow. "Or you can go back to your world." She says and I see Katniss crying her eyes out. She is asking me to wake up. She says that if I die, then she will kill herself. I can't let that happen.

"I'm sorry GiGi, but she needs me. I need to go back to her." I say and hug her.

"It's perfectly fine Peeta. I see how much you guys love each other. Go back to your girl." she says and I walk down the path.


Katniss's Pov

I kiss him. Then he starts to kiss me back. Oh My God. Peeta is alive.

I pull away and look into those blue eyes that I have waited to see for twoweeks.

"Peeta." I cry out of happiness.

The doctor comes in to see Peeta awake. He looks shocked.

"Peeta your awake." He says surprised.

"Yeah." Peeta says.

"Well I'll go and tell your dad and we will do some test and see when you can go home." The doctor says and walks out.

About thirty seconds everybody comes back in and has tear stains on their cheeks but the biggest smiles on their faces. I probably look the exact same way to be honest.

The doctor comes in and says that we all have to leave so they can test on Peeta.

We all walk out into the hall.

"How do you feel Katniss?" Annie asks.

"I feel amazing." I smile.

"It's so good to see that smile." Glimmer says.

Peeta's dad comes back out with Peeta about fifteen minutes later with Peeta. He has a cast on his left leg.

We all walk out of the hospital and go home.

We are now on break for school. We have a couple days until Christmas. I haven't gotten anything for anyone yet. I am fucked.

I need to somehow get out and go do that. I'll talk to the girls and maybe they can come with me.

Peeta, Peter, Conner, Spencer, and I walk into the house. Luckily, Mrs.Mellark isn't here.

"Peeta who did this to you?" Conner asks.

"Mother." Peeta says plainly. No hatred, sadness, anger, There's nothing in his voice.

"I'm turning her in." Peter says. He gets out his phone and dials the number.

"Yes hello. I was hoping to file a report on child abuse. It's for my son Peeta Mellark. He was beaten by his mother, Susan Mellark. She is not in right now but I will give you a call when she returns. Oh you can track her. Okay thank you." He says and hangs up. "Done."

My phone rings and I see that it is Plutarch. I answer the phone.

"Hello." I say.

"Hi Katniss. I was just calling to tell you that the house is ready. I've already moved everything in and there's a surprise for you there." he tells me.

"Okay so when can we move in?" I ask.

"You can move into the house tomorrow." he replies.

"Oh my gosh! Thanks so much Plutarch!" I say.

"You're welcome sweetheart." He says.

I hang up the phone and all of them are looking at me expectantly.

"The house is ready and we can move in tomorrow." I tell them.

"Awesome." Peter says.

"I'll still work here right?" Peeta asks.

"Yes son but first that foot needs to me healed. Once you have that cast off you can work again. Which won't be too long since it heeled for two weeks. Just a little while longer." Peter says smiling.

"Well who wants dinner?" Peter asks.

"Yeah!" Conner exclaims.

"I'll make lamb stew with dried plums. Also some cheese buns." Peter says walking into  the kitchen.

Peeta and I go upstairs to his room. We sit on his bed.

"I'm so excited to move in with the group." he says.

"Yeah me too. We are going to have so much fun together!" I say.

"Do you know that I love you?" Peeta asks me looking down.

"Do you know that I love you more?" I ask him.

"Well played but it's impossible for you to love me more. I love you so much." he says.

I'm about to say something but then get interrupted.

"Kids! Dinner!" Peter yells.

We all go down but Peeta is very slow. Crutches and stairs do not go together.

We eat dinner and then get ready for bed. Peeta and I take showers and get into bed and fall asleep. I actually slept pretty good.
Hiya! I hope that you liked the chapter!

Thank you so so so so so so soooooooooooo much for the 1.06k reads. That means so much to me. I didn't think that this story was going to go anywhere.

Update soon to come!😜

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