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I am going to stop writing titles for the chapters because it gets annoying and I don't have good ones. If you like them, comment and tell me that you want them back otherwise it will say like this.
Katniss's Pov

Right when I walk through the door Prim comes to me and gives me a giant hug.

"Hey little duck," I say

"Hi Kat," she says with a big smile. Her smile is like the brightest star in the moonlight sky. Her smile can light up the night and make your day go from bad to good.

"How was school," I ask her.

"Well, that is what I wanted to talk about. Can we go to your room?" She asks innocently.

"Sure," I say kind of confused.

We walk up the stairs and into my room. I put my stuff down and sit in my bed.

"Can you braid my hair?"

"Of course my little duck."

"Okay so today at school there is this kid named Rory, he is super cute. And he asked me out!" She squels.

"That is great little duck. What did you say?"

"I said that I would have to think about it. I have had a crush on him since like the first day of school."

"Well if you like him the go ahead. But remember if he breaks your heart, I will break his face." I say laughing.

"Okay." she jumps off my bed.

I lay down on my bed and state at the ceiling.

"Hey Kat." Glimmer says.

"Hiya Glim," I say back

"What ya doing?" She asks.

"Nothing." I say kind of freaked out. What is she doing.

"Are you okay?" She asks and you can hear the concern in her voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. Peeta helped me. I went to his house and fell asleep then went down stairs and heard him and his father talking. His dad was saying how Peeta had this huge crush in this girl and would always come home talking about her. Since he was five."

"Oh Katniss. I'm sorry." Glimmer says

"Why. I am that girl. He would always talk about me."

"Awe that's adorable. Well we should get to bed. See you in the morning." She says walking out of the room with a little wave.

"Night Glim." I say

I get into my pjs and climb into bed. I will have a restless night filled with dreaded nightmares.
The next morning.

I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. I look and see that it's Peeta. Then I look at the time. It's 7:00. Oh no I am late. Why didn't my stupid alarm clock wake me. Also known as Glimmer, Marvel, or my mother.

I grab my phone and answer it.

"Hey Peeta can't talk right now just woke up running late can you pick me up?"

"Yeah of course."

"Okay great love ya babe."

"Love ya too."

I take the quickest shower in history. I get ready quickly and rush down stairs. I see Peeta's car
pull up and run out. It will probably be a pretty long day.

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