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Sorry that there is no title to this chapter but I can't really think of one for this.

Katniss's Pov

Little do they all know that I have been a cheerleader and gymnast all of my life since I can remember. Then I see the girls all jump down also.

Fuck! Are they cheerleaders or gymnasts too or just jumping. Then I turn back around to see my front door opening. Fuck, it's the guys. Then I try to run faster and I do. Then out of nowhere, Peeta jumps out and catches me. Damn it!

"Katniss! Why are you running? You can't run all the way to Kentucky to see your dad's grave!"

"I was just going to the grave yard here! That's actually where e was buried!"

Fuck! I am an fucktard!

"Wait, what?"

"Okay there. You know that I lied okay."

"Why would you do that."

"Well my plan was to run up to my room and jump out if the window unnoticed. Then I was going to climb back through my window and come back down I all of you. You wouldn't know that I had lied."

"Kat, we don't care that you lied. we just want to know why you did." Peeta says and nods toward the rest of the group.

"I do have one question though, Glimmer, Marvel, did you know Kat's secret?" Finnick asks.

"Yes we did." Glimmer and Marvel say in unison.

"How did you find out?" I ask.

"Wait, you didn't tell them?" Annie asks.

"No I didn't."

"Prim told us."Glimmer says.

"Ugh! Of course she did. I can't blame her though. I told her and she couldn't take it." I say.

"Well can you come back inside and tell us how this all happend."

"I just did like 3 and a half minutes ago."

"No we mean telling us how your dad died."

Sorry that it takes so long for me to update. I don't mean for it. it just takes me a long time but I will try and upset at every single chance that I get.

Luv ya and thanks for the three reads. it means a lot!


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