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Katniss's Pov

I was sick for about three days. I did end up having the flu. I told Peeta to stay away from me so he didn't get sick. Of Course, he didn't listen to me.

Luckily he didn't get sick. We went back to chocolate the next week. That week went by pretty quickly. Now we only have one week till Christmas break! Yayayayayaya!!!!

I'm so excited for Christmas! It's one of my favorite holidays. Peeta and the guys seem to be acting weird. None of us girls no why though. We have tried to get it out of them.

Tonight is the winter formal. The guys all asked us at lunch this afternoon. At first we thought that was why all of them were acting weird but their behavior didn't change after that.

"Katniss you're done." Glimmer tells me. Right now we are getting ready at Glimmer's house.

"Thanks girls." I say.

"No prob girlie." Annie says.

I was the last one done so we all walk out. The guys all stop what they are doing and look at us. They all smile. We all take some pictures and walk out. Everyone's parents were here except my mother. Lat week when I went over there to get something she hit me.
Luckily Peeta went with me so he took me back to his place.

I kind of wish that she was here but then, again I don't really care. She decided what she wanted and I can't change that.

Tomorrow I have to go to some stupid family reunion. Peeta is going to go with me. So I guess that it won't be all that bad.

We arrive at the school and walk in. The girls and I have matching dresses but different colors. I have sunset orange. Glimmer has teal. Johanna has a greenish color. Annie has a blue one. And Clove has a purple one.

We just kiss, dance, kiss, talk, and did I mention kiss?

Peeta takes me home and we fall asleep.


I wake up around five thirty in the morning. We have to leave at six thirty so I don't have much time to get ready.

Peeta walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey get ready we need to leave soon." He tells me.

"I have an hour I'm good." I reply.

"Okay then." he says.

I walk into the bathroom and get ready. I put on a dress that is black with a little white bow. I put on black heeled boots and put my hair up in a sock bun with a black bow.

I do my make up and walk out of the bathroom. Peeta is on his bed double-knotting his shoe laces.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep." I say.

"You look amazing." He says.

"Why thank you." I say.

He is wearing a black button down shirt with denim jeans and black converse. His hair it's usual.

We walk out of the house and get in the car.

He starts driving and we go to Starbucks. He gets me and vanilla bean with raspberry and he gets a peppermint frap. We start driving again.

It's about a three hour drive. We listen to music and talk all the way there. When we get there we see Glimmer and Marvel waiting for us.

We get out and go over to them.

"Hey guys." Marvel says.

"Hey man." Peeta says.

"Why don't we get going and introduce you to your family." My aunt Shimmer says.

"Okay." I say.

She introduces me to all of the adults. I have a pretty big family that I have never met. My mom has about eight siblings. All of her siblings have kids.

Glimmer, Marvel, Peeta and I just sit at a park table and talk. We start to text the group.

"Kids. Get off your phones and talk with your family." My mother says.

"You don't control us." I say.

"You may not live with me, but I do still control you. You listen to me because I am your mother and you should respect me." she says.

I scoff. "like you respect prim and I? You were a living shell for six ducking years. I hunted illegally. I made sure Prim had enough food on her plate so she could survive."

"I don't care what the hell you did. I am your mother and you should still respect me whether I respect you or not." she replies.

"Rose do you have to do this here?" Glimmer's dad asks.

"Yes they were all on their phones and they are at a family gathering where Katniss should be meeting her family." my mother says.

"She wouldn't have to meet them if you would have let her meet them when she was younger." he sends back.

"Well that was then. I didn't want her to met them. You were lucky that you lived bear us otherwise you wouldn't have known her either."

"You fucking told me that my family was dead. You said that the only family that you had left was Marvel and Glimmer's family. You kept me from seeing my family. Maybe I could of had a good childhood." I say.

Then she does what she did about a week ago. She hits me. Again.

This time there was a lot more force in the hit. I fall to the ground. Peeta  comes rushing over to me. So does Marvel and Glimmer.

"At least your father is  not here to see what you have become." she shoots at me.

"What I have become?! Look at you! You just hit me and it's not the first time! I wonder how dad would feel if he knew what he used to live is now gone. Forever." I say.

Then she comes near me again.

"Don't even try it." I say.

I notice that there has been a crowd of family members crowed around us. Great. Just great.

"You don't scare me." she says.

"Okay and that means what?" Aunt Shimmer asks. "You just hit your daughter. What about the other one? Primrose!" She calls.

Prim comes from around the crowd and near us. I notice a mark on her arm and cheek. I also notice a busted lip.

"So now that you can't always hit Katniss  you take it out on Prim!" Yells my uncle.

I pull Prim into me. She lives with this monster!

"You're loving with me no questions about it." I say quietly into  her ear.

"What are you telling her?" My mother asks.

"That she is living with me. She won't be living with you anymore." I say and start to walk away. Completely done with this conversation.

"Don't you just walk away from me!" She yells.

I just put up the finger. Everyone is quiet. 

I grab Peeta's hand and Glimmer, Marvel, their parents, Peeta, and Prim and I walk away.

That was a very successful family reunion.
Hope that you liked the chapter. New ones to come to you every Friday!

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