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Katniss's Pov

It's March 13.

Today is Peeta's birthday. I look over to him. I'm going to try and make him breakfast.

I get out of bed without waking him.  I walk downs stirs and start to make eggs and bacon and pancakes.

Once they are finished and edible, I put them on a tray and walk up the stairs.

I open the door and walk in. Peeta is still asleep. I go over to his side of the bed and put the tray down on the side table. I kiss him on the lips.

He starts to kiss me back.  I pull away.

"Happy birthday Peeta" I tell him.

"Thank you my dear." He replies.

"I made you breakfast." I say.

"Oh you didn't have to do that." He says

"Just eat it "

He eats the food and then gets up out of bed. "Thank you." He says kissing me.

He goes to the bathroom. He takes a shower and then I get ready.

I put on a black sunflower dress with black heels. We walk out. It's Saturday right now and I'm taking Peeta out so the rest of the house can set up for his birthday party tomorrow.

"Peeta we are going to be alone this weekend and celebrate your birthday. Just the two of us." I tell him. Because really, we are throwing him a surprise party on Sunday. Even though his birthday is today.

"Okay."Peeta says.

"Now let's go and pack." I say walking up the stairs. Peeta follows.

We pack a bag. We put the bag in the trunk of the car and get in.

I drive us to a very expensive hotel that Plutarch helped me with.

"Katniss this is amazing!" Peeta exclaims.

I laugh at him. We get out and I check us in.

We have a floor at the top. It has a balcony that way we can have peace and quiet.

On the balcony it also has a hot tub. The bathroom is huge. It has a bathtub and a shower. Usually they are conjoined.

"This is awesome!" I exclaim.

"Seriously. Are we staying here all weekend?" Peeta asks. I nod.

Peeta puts our stuff down and we change into our bathing suits. I go into the bathroom and put on a corraly-pinky bikini with a corraly-orangey bow on the butt.

I walk back out and see that Peeta is wearing a pair of black swim trunks.

We go out and get into the hot tub. It feels really nice. It's only March but  it feels pretty nice in the air right now.

"This is so relaxing." Peeta says sounding relaxed.

I go over to him and start to rub his shoulders. He is very tense.

"Babe, why are you so tense?" I ask.

"Probably because of work." He replies.

"Does this feel good?" I ask.


I continue to run his shoulders until he isn't too tense anymore.

We get out of the hot tub. We walk back into our room.

"Peeta we have a dinner reservation for seven later tonight at the new Italian restaurant. " I tell him.

"Okay." He says.

It's about five thirty right now so he goes and gets ready. When he comes out, I go in. I put on a red dress with a v-neck neckline and it has sparkles all over it. Well the top at least.  

I curl my hair and put a little bit more make up on than usual.

I look at my phone and see that we need to leave. I get out of the bathroom and walk to Peeta. He looks really hot! He is wearing a button up black shirt with black jeans.

"Peeta we should leave." I tell him.

"Okay." He says. "By the way you look really really hot."

"And you look hot also." I reply kissing him.

He ends up getting lipstick on his lips.

We leave and drive over to the restaurant. We eat and talk. We have a great time.

We walk back into the room.

"Thank you Katniss. This is the best birthday ever." He says kissing me.

"You're very welcome." I say kissing him again. This time we don't part.

We keep kissing. It is a passionate kiss. Peeta pushes me up against the wall. My hands end up in his hair.


I start to unbutton his shirt. I unbutton the last button and we let the shirt just fall to the floor.

I move my hands up and down his body. He is so perfect. I love  him for him, but his body is just a huge bonus.

He starts to take off my dress. I let him. That also falls to the floor.

We start to walk towards the bed. Peeta falls down on it. I land on top of him.

My hands wander down to his pants and start to unbutton them. I pull them down.

That leaves us both in our undergarments. Peeta flips us over so that he is now on the top and I'm on the bottom.

He starts to kiss my neck. I moan in pleasure. He starts to fiddle with the clasps of my bra. He looks at me as if asking if it is okay. I nod.

He gets my bra off and throws it across the room.

He still kisses my neck. He sucks on it a little bit and also leaves love bites at times.

I have a feeling that there is going to be a mark there in the morning.

He trails kisses down my stomach and then back up to my lips.

I start to pull down Peeta's boxers. He then pulls off my panties.

He grabs a  condom and looks to me for permission. I nod again and he puts it on.

He puts his tip at my entrance. He then pushes into me. It hurts. It's hurts really bad.

He told me to tell him to stop if he hurt me. Even though it hurts, we need to finish what we started. It hurts for every girl the first time.

Once he is all the way in he starts to thrust. I feel a pleasurable feeling and moan out in satisfaction.

A little bit later, this wonderful night is over.

Hiya! Hope that you enjoyed the chapter.

Anyway hope that you enjoyed the Everlark. Please tell me what you think and give me feed back!😋

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