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Katniss's Pov
Graduation day

Today is graduation. It feels so weird. This is our last day at Panem High. We won't be back.

I am getting ready right now.

The girls and I went shopping a couple of days ago for our dresses.  I got a little black dress with black heels and did my hair.

I walk downstairs and see that everyone is done already. I walk down the stairs.

Everyone stops and stares at me. I walk all the way down and  stop.

"What are you guys all staring at?" I ask.

Peeta walks over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"You look beautiful babe." He whispers into my ear. Kissing behind it.

"Thank you." I reply.

"But seriously. Why did everyone stop and stare at me. It was very creepy." I laugh.

"You look amazing Katniss." Finnick tells me with a proud time in his voice. A tone a brother would use when talking to his sister.

"Thank you Finn." I smile.

We head out to our cars and see that there is a limousine. Of course there is a limo.

The driver comes out.

"Miss Katniss Everdeen." He simply states.

"Yes." I say.

"Mr.Heavensbee sent this for all of you and this note for you." He says handing me a note. "But said not to open it until after the ceremony." He continues.

That's weird. But okay?

We get into the limo and drive off.

We arrive at the school 15 minutes later.

We get out and go into the school. We go into the room that we get our caps and gowns.

We put them on and then head to the line. We are all departed because it's in chronological order.

(I don't remember what the names are but just incase, this is how they go.
Annie Cresta
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Finnick O'dair
Clove Sevina
Cato Hadley
Glimmer Swan
Marvel Swan
Johanna Mason
Jake Mellark
Hannah Lowe)

It goes Annie, Me, Cato, Hannah, Johanna, Jake, Peeta, Finnick, Glimmer, and Marvel.

We head out in line and then sit down.

They call us up one by one.

"Annie Cresta."

Annie walks up and received her diploma.

"Katniss Everdeen."

I walk up. Take my diploma and shake hands with my principal. I sit back down.

Soon it's all over.

"Okay," Our teacher Effie starts, "We have a very special performance. It's so special that they don't even know that they are singing. Please welcome Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!" She finishes.

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