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Katniss's Pov

Halloween is in three weeks. I am so excited! It's my favorite holiday ever!

I am going to be a cop. Annie is going to be a black cat. Glimmer is going to be Alice in wonderland. Clove is going to be Minnie Mouse. Johanna is going to black widow.

I am so excited. I have no idea what the guys are going to be. I don't think that they are actually dressing up. Well that sucks for them because is girls are making them dress up since We were all invited to a party that someone from school is throwing a Halloween party.

We are going to buy are costumes now. We haven't boughten them yet because, well really, there is no because. We just haven't boughten them yet.

We go into a Halloween store and find costumes that suit what we are going to be.(pics at the top or the side)

We pay for our costumes then leave. we meet up with the boys at the malls food court.

"Hey guys!" Johanna says.

"Woah. Johanna what got you so peppy." Finnick asks

"It's Halloween damn it! I love this holiday." she replies.

"Okay sorry for asking." Finnick cowers.

"So did you girls find your costumes?" Gale asks us all.

"Yeah." we all say in unison.

"Can we see them?" Cato asks.

"Fuck no. You can know what we are. Maybe." Clove says.

"Okay sorry. Tell us what you are going to be." Cato says.

"I am going to be a cop." I say and I see Peeta smile.

"I am going to be a black cat." Annie says.

"How am I supposed to match that!" Finnick whines.

"I don't know Finn. That's not my problem." she replies.

"I am going to The Queen of Hearts." Glimmer says.

"I am going to be Minnie Mouse." Clove says.

"And I am going to be black widow." Johanna says.

"What about you guys?" I ask.

"I am going to be The Mad Hatter." Cato says.

"I will be hawk eye." Gale says

"I'll be Mickey Mouse." Says Marvel.

"I shall be a prisoner." Peeta says.

"I still don't know how I am going to match a black cat." Finnick whines.

"Just be one also and stop your complaining." Annie states.

"Okay then." he replies.
Time Skip to Halloween Party

The girls and I are all getting ready. We are all at my house in my spare room that I converted into my sleepover room.

We get knot our costumes and do each other's make up. I just go simple. I put on mascara and foundation. Then I put on eye liner. I also wear some red lipstick.

I curl my hair. Well Annie did. She insisted on doing it for me.

The girls and I are just about done when I hear a knock on the front door.

"Mom can you get that?!"i yell to my mother.

"Yes sweetie." she replies.

I hear her open the door."Hello boys. The girls should be done any minute now." I hear her greet the guys.

We all walk down together. When the boys see us they all stop what they are doing and start to drool over us. We must look hot!

We all walk to our man and snap our fingers in front of their face. "Earth to Peeta." I say.

"Huh." he says wiping the drool from his mouth. They all do that.

We get into a limo that Plutarch is making us use just incase we were planning in drinking at the party.

We get in and drive to the party. When we get there people stop and look at us.

Of course the most popular group in the school brings a limo to a party.

We walk into the house and the party continues.

Delly comes up to Peeta. Has she not learned her lesson!? I start to walk forward but Peeta holds me back.

"She isn't worth it." he whispers into my ear.

"Fine." I huff.

"Just do this." he says.

"Huh." I turn and look at him. He leans in and gives me a kiss. We were in like a full out make-out session in no time.

I can hear Delly's footsteps. But they don't seem like they are going away. They seem as though they are coming closer.

I am thrown off of Peeta. By Delly. That bitch.

She tries to get closer to him but he just pushed her off. I grab her by her hair.

"Listen you little fucking bitch. Get the fuck away from my boyfriend right now. And fucking stay away." I spit in her face

"I don't have to listen to you. He is just going out with you because he feels sorry for you." she replies.

"Why would he fell sorry for me?" I ask.

"Because you are a worthless little whore. You can't do anything. You are a worthless piece of shit hat just wastes space in this world." She spits at me.

"And where do you get that idea?" I ask her.

"From you. You are poor. The only reason that you are here is because your mother remarried to some rich dude. You have been poor since you were little. What changes now?" She smirks

"Nothing changes. I may have used to be poor, but I survived weeks without food. I was close to dying until I started to hunt. I actually have a talent. Unlike you." I reply.

"She has lots of talents. She can hunt. She can work magic with a bow and an arrow. She can tumble. I mean we have all seen it. I showed it to the whole school. She is just amazing. What can you do?" Glimmer defends me.

"Thanks Glim." I thank Glimmer.

"No prob cous." She smiles.

"Prove to us that you can shoot." Delly smirks thinking that I can't shoot.

"Okay. " I say

I walk out and find a stick. I also found some twine that u can use for the string. I find another stick and a rock. I make my own now and arrow.

I shoot at the tree. I hit it great.

"Can someone give me something to shoot that moves." I yell.

Someone finds a dead bird. I use that. They throw it up into the air and I shoot. I hit it right in the eye.

Everyone cheers.

"Is that enough proof for you?" Peeta asks.

Delly just huffs and walks out of the party.

I walk back to the group.

"Why does she always have to ruin a great time?" I ask Peeta.

"I don't know but let's have some fun." he replies.

We spend the rest of the party having fun and, well, PARTYING!!!

The group comes over to my house and sleeps over. Tonight was fun. Once Delly left.
Hiya people of wattpad. I know that it's a sucking chapter. Sorry. The pic is a collage of the costumes.

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