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Katniss's Pov

I wake up screaming. I can feel the sweat dripping down my face. Also the tears.

"Katniss shh. It's okay. You're safe here. You're okay. You're with me. Shhh, it's okay. Breathe." Peeta coos into my ear.

I'm trying to breathe but it's really hard. I feel like there is like something holding onto my neck. It's probably because I was crying and then my throat closed up making it harder to breathe.

I see the girls at the edge of the bed and the guys in the doorway. I see Jake and Hannah as well.

"Sorry." I mumble. It was almost inaudible.

"It's okay sweetie. We know that you have these. It's okay now. You're safe here with all of us." Annie says.

"Thanks." I say.

In still curled up into Peeta. I like it here. I don't plan on moving from this position.

"Try and go back to sleep. Okay?" Glimmer asks. I nod my head. They all leave and Peeta and I lay back down onto the bed.

I have my head on Peeta's chest. He strokes my hair.

"Thank you" I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For being there for me even though I am a pain in the ass. And since I'm annoying and wake you up all the time. I'd understand if you want to leave."

"Katniss. What are you talking about. I love you. I always have loved you and I always will love you. I would never leave you. Not now, not yesterday, not next month, not ever."

"I love you too." I say closeting my eyes.


I wake up in the bed alone. I franticly look around the room. Wondering where in the world Peeta is.

I hear the bathroom door one ad shoot my head in that direction. I see Peeta come out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I just thought that you were gone." I reply.

"It's okay. I'm here."

"I'm going to take a shower." I say reluctantly getting out of soft, warm, comfortable bed.

I walk past him and into the closet. I get one of Peeta's sweatshirts, since we aren't going anywhere, and yoga pants. I walk back out and peck Peeta on the lips. Then he grabs me and kisses me harder. I break away.

"Peeta you need to get dressed." I say laughing because he is just in a towel. He blushes.

"That might be a good idea." he says. I laugh and walk into the bathroom.

I take a shower and put my clothes on. I don't put any make up on because I don't want to. Its not like I look any different, I don't put that much on usually. I blow dry my hair and put it up in a bun.

I still put on my necklace and promise ring though. I walk out and walk over to Peeta.

I sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back soothingly.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asks. I nod.

"Okay then." he says and lifts me up.

"Really Peeta." I whine.

"Yep." he says walking out of the room and down the stairs.

He walks into the living room and throws me down on the couch. I land on the soft couch and then roll off of it.

I get up and run after Peeta. He runs and runs but I'm just a tiny bit faster than he is, and I jump on his back. He loses his balance and we fall.

The rest of the house comes running down. They all look panicked. When they see us laughing our heads off they relax.

"Guys, it's ten in the morning why are you being so loud?!" Johanna asks/ yells.

"Johanna, did you just hear what you just said?" I ask her. She thinks about it then laughs.

"We heard a thump and thought that something happened." Jake says.

"No Peeta through me on the couch and I started to chase him. I jumped on his back and then we fell. Same as every morning." I say, still laughing.

"Really?" Hannah asks.

"Not really, but it's always going to be chaotic in this house." Annie laughs.

"Peeta I want pancakes." Finnick whines jokingly.

"Well I don't want to make them. Jake?" Peeta replies.

"Oh hell no. That's the only thing that I actually know how to make taste good. I don't want to cook. Huh, you guys are lucky, you live with a baker." Jake says.

"Yeah, but he's going to make us all fat." Glimmer says.

"I will not." Peeta says.

"Are you guys going to get up off the floor anytime soon?" Johanna asks.

"Well I like it here. The floor is nice. The floor is my friend." I say.

They all look at me like I'm crazy.

"What." I ask. They all just shake their heads and laugh.

Peeta gets up and just picks me up. He doesn't offer his hand, he picks me up.

He throws me on the couch again.

"Really Peeta?" I ask.

He laughs and walks away.

"Fuck you." I say.

"Gladly." He yells back.

"You're disgusting." I scoff.

He makes pancakes for everyone. It's now the twenty-seventh so we don't have much time before we go back to school. UGH!

We have a lazy day today. The guys are all watching Harry Potter movies. Us girls are in my room and we are bored, so we stretch. Hannah and Jake left a little while ago.

"So how is he?" Johanna asks.

I look at her confused.

"I mean in bed brainless." she rolls her eyes.

"First of all, gross. Second of all, we haven't even done it yet." I say.

"Really? This morning he just said gladly after you said fuck you for no reason." She questions.

"Yeah." I say.

"Whatever." She says.

"Have you guys seen how Jake has been looking at Hannah?" Glimmer asks.

"YES!" We all exclaim. That caused the boys to rush up.

"Are you girls okay? What's with the screaming?" Finnick asks.

"Nothing." We say at the same time.

"Okay something's up." Gale says.

"Fine. Have you guys seen the way that Jake looks at Hannah?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think that he likes her." Finnick says.

"And us being girls, we see the little things. Like the little glances that Hannah sends Jake's way." Clove says.

"We haven't seen those." Cato replies.

"Yeah because Hannah is a girl and doesn't want people to notice. But we are girls. She forgot that part." Clove points out to the boys.

They nod like they actually understand what we are saying.

They leave after that conversation. After we all get bored, we order pizza and then just go to bed.
Hiya! I really hope that you have enjoyed this book so far! I have enjoyed writing it! New update to come to a library near you!

Keep smiling!😊

Sorry it's late. My birthday was Friday.

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