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Katniss's Pov

It's New Years!!!!! In so happy! It's my first New Years with Peeta!

Well to be honest it's my first New Years with anyone besides family.

Peeta made breakfast this morning for us all. He had some help from the guys. We have been doing nothing but who cares!

"Okay everyone! What is your New Years resolution?Finnick you go first. " Annie says.

"Okay I think my New Years resolution would be to go to collage." He says.

"Now pick someone." Annie tells him.


"I guess mine would be the same as Finn's. Kat." He says.

"I don't have one. I've always just been happy to finish another year alive I guess and never had any thing to put in my New Years resolution box. Glim" I admit.

"Really?" Clove asks. I nod.

"That's like a life story." Finnick says.

"I'm just gonna go out in a limb here and say that everyone's New Years resolution is going to be to go to collage." Glim says. Everyone nods.

"Okay then."

We don't do anything for the rest of the day except watch television. Once it's about eleven, we get our party hats on and our blowers.(don't know what they are called but I call them that so...)

When the ball starts to drop we all count down. (Ima start from ten)


"HAPPY NEW YEARS!" We scream at the top of our lungs. Someone grabs my waist and I turn around to see Peeta. I grab his face in my hands and kiss him. He kisses me  back.

We break apart when the clock strikes 12:01. That was my first New Years spent with Peeta. That was my first New Years kiss. That was my first New Years with all of the people that I care about, and that care about me.

"How was that for a New Years!" Johanna exclaims.

"It was awesome! How did you like your first New Years with us Kat?" Glimmer asks.

"It was......... AMAZEBALLS!!!!!" I scream.

That sentence makes them all laugh. Well I'm tired so I think I'm going to  go to bed.

"I'm going to bed." Annie says walking up the stairs.

"I am too" I say following her.

Soon all of us are upstairs heading to our rooms. We have ten rooms, but only five of them are being used.

I put on a silk burgundy crop top and shorts. I then crawl into bed.

Peeta is in the closet getting dressed. He comes back out with just pajama pants on. He crawls in bed with me.

He wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep almost instantly.


I wake up to loud banging on my door. Peeta is also up.

We look at each other not knowing what to do. We were peacefully sleeping and then have to wake up to loud banging.

Peeta gets up and walks as quietly as he can to the door. He reaches it. He opens it and Finnick stands there.

His eyes are closed partly. I realize that he is sleepwalking.

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