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Peter's Pov

"Mom." I say.

"Yes dear." she replies.

"Can I invite Katniss and Peeta's friends to have dinner with us tonight?" I ask hope that she will say yes for Kat's sake.

"Of course. I hope that it will help Katniss." she says.

I call up the groups parents and they are all perfectly fine with it. It's now about eight in the morning so they should get here around one or two. We usually eat around six.

I hope that this makes Katniss feel better. I was told that they are telling their children that this is a surprise for Katniss. I'm also getting Prim to come. I just hope this helps.


Katniss's Pov

I wake up feeling refreshed. I turn to look at Peeta and see that he is still asleep. His arms are locked around me. I give him a kiss and a few moments later he returns it.

I pull away to look into those beautiful blue eyes that I keep falling deeper and deeper in love with everyone I look at them.

"Good morning gorgeous." he says.

I bite my lip. "Good morning handsome." I say.

I lean in and kiss him again. His lips are so soft! I jut love the feeling of his lips against mine.

"Peeta can you come down here for a moment!" Grandma Mellark hollers from downstairs.

"I'm coming." he replies.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." I say standing up.

"Okay." he says walking out.

I grab a red crop top that says, 'live the life you love, love the life you live' but written in an infinity symbol. I grab black short shorts and black two inches wedges.

I take a shower and get dressed. I put my hair in this twist thingy. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone.

"Katniss. Conner. Jake. Spencer." Grandpa Mellark calls from downstairs.

I walk down and find Peeta at the bottom. I smile and take his hand and he leads me to the kitchen. We walk in and he hands me a plate.

There is like a buffet of food out. I grab a cheese bun. Peeta puts a pancake on my plate.

We walk to the dining room and we sit down. Everyone soon comes and sits down.

We all laugh and talk and eat. It was very relaxing. We play board games again.

Conner thought that it would be fun to play twister after playing the Kinect. Which I was boss at. Then I had to do a relay race against Peeta and he was the only one that I couldn't beat.

Me, Jocelyn, Peeta, Jake, and Conner play twister. Conner thought that I may be sore after playing the Kinect. So we played twister. Well it came down to me, him and, Jocelyn.

Conner looks like he is either about to fall or break some back bones. Maybe cry a little.

Conner ends up falling. Then me and Jocelyn fall at the same time. That way both of us win.

"How about we play a mans game?" Peter asks.

"What game?" Spencer asks.

"Wrestling." He says.

"Let's do it." Conner says.

"Okay winner takes on Katniss." Peter says.

I smile. Every boy in the room looks a little bit nervous.

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