Ch.3 The Sleepover

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Katniss's Pov

I get home and do my homework. It is easy but I can't get my mind off of Peeta. I just reunited with him.

Is it crazy that I think that I am in love?

Glimmer keeps banging on my door. She wants me to come out. I want to come out but only to go to the graveyard.

I can't go and see my dad because he is buried in Kentucky. That's where I used to live.

I go out to my balcony and see a car drive up. I think that it is Finnick's car. I try to hide. It doesn't work.

"Katniss, you need to come down and enjoy the party when everybody gets here."

"I don't need to do anything Finnick. and you can't make me!" I snap.

That was my breaking point. I need to go out and then I can get out a little later. It's really hard losing your daddy. It is even worse when you are ten and see it happen right in front of your face. I literally watched as my dad died.

I walk down the stairs and everybody is there.

Yay! I think sarcastically.

What ever this might help me.

We play games until Finnick yells, "truth odair!"

"Why Finnick?" I whine.

"Because I want to."


He gets a bottle to play. He spins and it lands on Marvel.

"Oh no." Marvel says.

"Oh yes." Finnick says with a smirk on his face. Everyone know that he has a huge crush on Clove. The only person that doesn't know is Clove herself.

"Come on Marvel, we all know whether you pick truth or dare you are fucked." I state.

"I know that Katniss, I just want to know which would en better."

"Well pick quickly," I say, "the sooner you pick the sooner we all go to bed and the sooner I get to go out." I mumble.

"What was that Katniss?"


"Dot even try that missy."

"It was nothing okay! Just leave me alone!" I finally snaped.

With that I walk up to my room. I get to my room and slam door. I then throw myself onto my bed. I hear footsteps and I locked my door so they can't get in. Then I hear a click. Glimmer. That bitch made a key to my room! Then they all try and open the door. I go to my balcony.

"Glimmer! I can't even believe you would make a key to my room!"

"Well I did for things like this." She snaps back at me.

I realize that it wot be hard to end right here. I could just leave this world behind me. I could finally be with my dad.

"Katniss! Don't you dare!"

"Why? It's not like I have anything to live for. Living is stupid."

"Can I see your wrists?" Glimmer asks.


I pull down my sleeves.

"That is why I want to see them."

Then I jump.

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