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Katniss's Pov

I wake up and I feel someone playing with my hair. I look up and notice that it's Peeta that is playing with my hair. I also notice that we are the first ones up. I decide that I want to play a prank on them all.

I get up and drag Peeta with me. I go into the kitchen and put water in one of those giant Gatorade things that they have at sporting events. Don't ask me why we have it because I literally have no clue.

I tell Peeta to bring it in to the living room. I also grab some ice to pelt then all with. Peeta gets his phone ready to record.

I splash the water on the group and run.

"KATNISS!" I hear Finnick, Johanna, Cato, Gale, and Marvel scream.

I run. I run ad try are chasing me. I pelt then wry the ice that I have. I get to my room and hide in my closet. I notice a door on the top. I open it and it leads to a room and then the roof.

I climb through it. I go up to the roof just in time because they open my closet.

I climb all the way to the top. About five minutes later yet come outside and start to
shout for me. Thy are all idiots. I see Peeta look up at me. I motion for him to not tell. He nods.

"Hey guys! Try looking up sometime!" I yell down to them.

They all look up.

"How the fuck did you get up there brainless?" Johanna asks

I shake my head." I don't tell my secrets. What do you think the best part about having a big house. Places to hide" I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Come down from there." Finnick says protectively.

"Okay." I say jumping. I see some neighbors come out from their houses. Probably to find out what all the ruckus was about. When they all see me jumping, they look panicked. All of the guys try to catch me.

But smartest of all of them was Peeta. He told then all to get in a cradle position. I am rubbing off on him.

I fall into the arms of my handsome boyfriend. All of the guys thought that I was going to fall somewhere else. Morons.

I get up and walk back inside. I walk to the island and sit. They all come in looking a tad bit mad.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Really? I was okay with you pranking us. But not with you literally jumping off of a building. You could have been seriously hurt. You could even been dead right now!" Finnick yells.

"But I'm not and I'm fine. See?" I say motioning to my body.

"Yeah but you could have been hurt. Don't ever and I mean ever do that again!" Annie yells.

"Okay I won't," I say putting my fingers behind my back and crossing them. " I promise."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Peeta smirking. I don't have intentions of jumping off buildings anytime soon, but I can't just promise that I won't do it again. Who knows what could happen in life.

"Let's go get ready for school." I say.

Everyone either moans or groans. I start walking up the stairs and go to my room to yet ready. I just put on a normal sunset orange crop top and white short shorts. I also put on white heels with that.

I walk back down the stairs with the girls and notice that the boys are already down here. Peeta is at the stove ad is cooking breakfast.

All the guys turn to look at their girl. When Peeta see me, his eyes grow big and light up.

I chuckle at him. He looks back at the stove and blushes.

We eat and leave for school. I hop in the car with Peeta who is driving but it is my car. I am sitting in the front and Annie and Finnick are in the back.

Gale and Johanna are in her car. Marvel is in his car with Clove, Glimmer, and Cato.

We soon enough get to school. We all walk to the tree that we always meet at. I sit in Peeta's lap. All the girls sit in their guys lap. Just because we can. They don't mind it they just wrap their arms around us protectively.

We have just talked for a while. Then the bell rings. We all get up and head to class.

"Okay class today we will be doing solos. I want to see you all sing because I would like to add songs into this play that we are doing." Ms.Trinket says and everybody groans in a reply.

"Okay I will start with Annie Cresta." She said and Annie walks up to the stage and starts singing. She sang teardrops on my guitar by Taylor Swift.she sang it beautifully. Then Clove and Glimmer sing. They both sing amazingly. Johanna sings and she isn't to bad either.

Delly is called a few after Johanna. I know that we have sang before so I'm not super scared. I am a little nervous though. Peeta can feel how tense I am and squeezes my thigh. It relaxes me a little bit.

Delly sounded horrible. I mean like the birds all dropped dead from the trees. She sounded like a dying whale.

I am called up soon. I sing love story by Taylor Swift. I finish and everyone is sitting in their seats with their mouths open. Was I really that bad? Then they all start to clap like crazy.

"Katniss that was beautiful!" Exclaims Ms.Trinket.

"Thank you." I reply

I go and sit back down with the group. "That was amazing Kat!" Finnick exclaims.

"Thank you Finn." I reply.

"You're very welcome Kitty." he says smiling proudly.

We walk out to our lockers after class. We all have lockers right next to each other. Then out if nowhere Delly and her little minions come up to us.

"Hey Peeta."she says smiling. Ugh she makes me so mad! She is wearing a black crop top that looks almost, if not, see through, and short shorts. I know that it is not much better than what the girls and I wear, but at least we don't show anything that we are not supposed to.

"What do you want Delly?" Peeta asks irritated.

"You should come home with me after school. Wr can have some fun. I am going to be home alone." she flirts.

"I'd rather not. Go fuck yourself or find someone to do it with that is not me. Because I don't want to do it now. I don't want to do it later. I don't want to do it with you at all Delly."Peeta replies.

"So you are never going to do it at all in your life. Because that sucks for Katniss. I mean if you stay together." she says evilly.

"Who cares. You dress like a slut. You are not very nice. You can't get that I don't like you into your thick head. You treat Katniss like shit. You treat everyone in the group like shit. We were all friends until you decided that you wanted to look like that. Do you not like Katniss because you think that she took your spot in the group?" He asks her.

"Yes I do. I shouldn't have been kicked out but I was. There was no reason for that. I'm jealous of Katniss Everdeen. She has everything." Delly says.

"Okay hold that mother fucking phone. Katniss has had the worst life that there is. I honestly don't think that it could get worse." Annie defends me.

"I wouldn't say that. Every time I have said that something always happens." I cut Annie off quickly.

"Okay I won't say it then but just leave her the fuck alone. She never did anything to you. She didn't take your spot in the group. You left and she came. If you were still in the group when she came then both of you would be in the group. Its not like we have a certain amount of spots. Stop acting like everything is so perfect for all of us. Stop acting sorry for yourself. Fix it. Maube things will fucking go back to normal." Annie concludes.

Delly just walks away. I turn to the rest of the group. We all exchange glances. We just walk to our next class and continue on with our day like normal. Well,just about as normal as we can get.
Hope that you liked the chapter.

Omg Delly used to be in the group! 😱

Do you think that she will change. Let me know in the comments! 😋

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