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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to voices. I can barely hear them, but I know that they are there. I think it's Glimmer's and Annie's.

"They look so cute all cuddled together." Yep, that was definitely Glimmer.

"Don't wake them up." Johanna says.

Why are they all in my room. I can feel Peeta begin to stir. I start to stir acting like I wasn't just listening to their conversation.

I one my eyes and see that they are all here. Even Jake and Hannah. I feel Peeta jump underneath me.

"Look they're awake." Marvel says.

"Duh" Gale says like its the most obvious thing in the world. Well, I guess that it is since they can all see us.

"Why are you guys in our room?" Peeta asks.

"We wanted to wake you up so we can have our 'Christmas' but you looked so cute together we just couldn't do it.." Glimmer explains.

"Well, we are up now so leave." I say.

They all walk out the door. I get up off of Peeta.

"The people that we call friends." I laugh.

"Right." Peeta says.

I put my pajamas on since I wear Peeta's shirts to bed. Peeta does the same. We walk out of the room hand in hand and go to the kitchen.

There is food all set up. It looks and smells delicious. Jake must have made it.

We all grab plates and grab food. We sit at the dinning table.

"So this is our Christmas. What should we watch first." Glimmer asks.

"I say we watch Nightmare Before Christmas." I suggest.

"Okay. We will watch that first." Annie says.

After eating We go and sit on the couches and on the floor.

I put Nightmare Before Christmas. Glimmer and Clove come out of the kitchen and have mugs of hot cocoa. We all take one and enjoy the movie.

I look over to my side and see Jake and Hannah exchanging glances. I think that they like each other. I got to get them together.

I nudge Peeta. He looks down at me and I motion towards Jake and Hannah. He smirks.

After we finish watching that movie we watch a Christmas carol. We get bored watching movies all day though. It's only like two in the after noon. We don't usually go to bed until about ten or eleven.

"Let's play some games." Marvel suggest, much to Glimmer's dislike.

"TRUTH O'DIAR!!!!!!" Finnick screams.

We all just sit in a circle knowing that you can't fight with Finnick when he wants to play truth or dare. Finnick found a bottle from who knows where and spins it.

It lands on me. UGH!

"Truth?" I say but it comes out more like a question.

"Have you ever done it?" Finnick ask wiggling his eyebrows at me and Peeta.

"No I haven't." I say.

Finnick looks shocked.

"No don't lie to me."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No she isn't." Peeta says stepping in for me.

Finnick is about to say something when the doorbell rings. I look at Peeta. I get up and run to the door. Unfortunately, he did too and beat me to it.

He opens the door and I see Kendall, James, Logan, Carlos, and someone that I haven't met yet standing on the porch.

"Hey guys come in." Peeta says. They walk in the house.

"Hey Katniss. Hey Peeta." James says.

"What brings you to this mental asylum?" I ask causing them all to laugh.

"Well we needed help and our manager wanted to talk to you." Kendall explains.

"Okay." I say.

"Katniss who's at the door!" Marvel shouts.

"It's just me Marvel!" Kendall shouts back.

"Okay cousin." Marvel replies.

"Anyway can we talk somewhere?" James asks.

"Yeah as long as Peeta can come." I say.

"Yeah of course. It kind of involved him." James says.

We walk into the indoor pool room.

"This is a really nice house." The boys' manager says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Where are your parents?" He asks.

"It's only us here. We don't live with our parents." I say.

"Oh okay." He says.

"Okay so what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"Well for starters, my name is Jeff Scorch. I wanted to talk to you about your voice. It's amazing. I was wondering if you wanted to be a singer?" He asks.

"I don't really know. I mean it's kinda a lot to handle." I say.

"Well I would have you start off opening for the boys. Also I was wondering if your boyfriend here could sing?" Jeff asks.

Peeta is about to reply when I say, "yes he can."

"I was hoping that you may have some proof."

"I can show you. I found a recording booth a couple of days ago." I say. Jeff nods.

I lead them to the third floor. We walk into the room.

"Okay Peeta go in there and I'll figure this out somehow." I say.

"I know how to do it." Jeff says.

"Okay." I say.

Peeta starts to sing. He sings amazing!

When he finishes I hear claps. I turn around to see the group.

"Did you follow us?" I ask them. They nod.

"Idiots." I mutter.

"Hey!" Finnick exclaims.

"I'm sorry your not an idiot. You're a moron." I say causing everyone to laugh.

"Well that was beautiful. You two would make the best songs. How would you like to be a duet?" Jeff asks.

I look to Peeta. He shrugs.

"We would love to." I reply.

"Great!" Finnick says.

"Shut the fuck up." Peeta says.

We have dinner and Jake and Hannah stay over. Once dinner is done we all watch a little more television and then go to bed.
I hope that you liked it!

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