Ch.5 Telling Them

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Katniss's Pov

I look around. They are all looking at me. I decide to give into them.

"Fuck. Let's just go inside and I will tell you."

They lead me inside. We go in and sit on the couch.

"Well, I was eleven. We were at the mall. We were just leaving the store when a burglar was going into a jewelry store. They were going to rob it. So my dad being the kind heart that he is, tries to talk him or her out of it. That lead to him getting shot in the stomach. I ran to him and he told me to be brave and take care of my sister and mother. I had watched him die right in front of my eyes. My mother zoned out for years then got a boyfriend named Plutarch. That is why we moved here. For now we obviously love here in Glimmer and Marvel's house, but if Plutarch gets married to her we will live in his giant house. He is rich and spoils me and Prim."

"I'm so sorry Katniss." Finnick says.

"We all are so sorry that we made you tell us this. We didn't realize what you have been through." Annie says.

I personally feel like she is the one that will probably care the most.

"Thank you guys for caring though. People don't usually care as much as you do."

"Well we all care about each other so much."

"Well enough about me lets just play some games or watch some movies."

"Okay!" They all say in unison.

"Let's finish our game of Truth O'Dair!" Finnick yells excitedly.

"Let's do it."

"Okay Clove Truth O'Dair?" Finnick asks me.

"O'Dair." She says casually.

"I dare you to kiss Marvel."

She looks to Marvel then back to the girls. She then gives Finnick a death glare. He just gives her a smirk.

Marvel looks to Finnick and gives him a death glare also. Then they look to each other. Marvel gets up and goes over to her.

"For five minutes!" Exclaims Finnick.

They kiss and then it deepens. They literally start to make out. Finnick tells them that their time is done. They just keep kissing. Finally they pull apart.

" I told you that your time was up like two minutes ago."

"Well we didn't hear you"Marvel says.

"Whatever." Finnick says obviously annoyed.

"Annie, Truth O'Dair." Clove says

"Truth." Annie says like it's no big deal.

"Do you like anyone?"

"Yes." She says and looks down.

"I thought so." Clove says with victory in her voice.

"Glimmer, Truth O'Dair?" Annie asks Glimmer.


"I dare you to go outside in just your bra and panties, full them with ice cream, and run down the street saying, 'does anyone want any ice cream!'"

"Whatever." Glimmer says obviously pissed off.

Se goes into the bathroom and changes. Annie gets up to get the ice cream. Then she goes and gives it to Glimmer. Glimmer comes out of the bathroom. She goes outside and starts screaming what Annie told her to.

She comes back in ad goes back into the bathroom.

"That was fucking freezing. Thanks a ton Ann."

"You are so very welcome."

"Katniss, truth O'Dair." Glimmer asks me


"Who do you trust most out of all of us?" She asks.

"Not to be rude Glim, but it sure as shit is not you. I don't think that I can answer that question yet. I mean I have only know you all for a week."

"Oh shut the hell up Katniss" Glimmer says

"Well what about me? You used to trust me with all of your deepest and darkest secrets." Peeta says with a smirk.

"Well ya but those were five year old secrets."

"Oh so you don't mind me telling them." he says with an evil smile.

"Peeta Mellark! I swear if you say anything from then you will have a fucked up weekend in the hospital." I say meaning it.

"Okay I know that you can do that and are capable of it because I have seen you do it. But do you remember the time in the green tunnel-" he was cut off by me pouncing on to him.

He fell to the floor and we were in a full blown wrestling match. I know that he was a wrestler but I could still kick his ass.

"Peeta Mellark, you are dead."

I end up on top of him pinning his arms down.

"Not so much of a big, tough, all mighty wrestler now are you?"

"I guess not."

"Wow Katniss. You just took the school's best wrestler down." Finnick exclaims

"She wrestled me once and I ended up in the hospital." Marvel says.

"You were a big baby. I did that when we were 6."

"Ya I ended up with a broken nose, arm, leg, and a minor concussion."

"If you keep bitching about it then it will be a thousand times worse."

"Okay I am done."


I look back down at Peeta and see a...

Ohhhh what is it.

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