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Katniss's Pov

When we pull up to school Peeta gets out of the car and rushes up to my door. he quickly opens it. Oh he is such a gentleman!

"Thank you Peeta but you do know that you do't have to do that for me right?" I ask him.

"of course I know this but I wanted to do it for you Kat"

"Well Thank You." I tell him again.

"You are very welcome my princess."

"I am not a princess. I am the farthest thing from a princess if anything." I tell him while rolling my eyes.

He just rolls his eyes back at me and says, "Your right. You aren'tt a princess you are a queen." he smirks at me.

"Okay I like princess better than queen. just saying. that makes me fell old."

By that time we have reached the tree that the group meets by. They all look surprised to see me here.

"Stop looking at me like that. i know that i look horrid. My glimmer clock forgot to wake me." I say Glimmer in the eyes.

"Sorry Katniss. I didn't think that you were going to come today. I thought about waking you but Marvel told me that you probably weren't going to want to come so I didn't wake you." She says this with pure sincerity in her voice.

" I was joking Glimmer. Why would you think that I wasn't coming. If I didn't come Delly would have gotten her way. I can't let that happen can I?" I laugh

"Well no you can't let her get her way because that would lead to complete chaos and the school would burn down." Finnick laughs

"Okay if the school was burning down I would grab my phons and take a picture and post it. Just saying." Joanna says

"Right there with you girl." I say to Joanna.

Then the bell rings. Time to get to first period.

When we walk in we just take our seats. Ms.Trinket comes walking in with like 4 inch stilettos on. How can she even walk in those?

"Hello my darlings, the cast is up. I will release you row by row to look at them. Delly, yours can go first." Ms.Trinket says.

Delly gets up and struts over to the wall that has the roles on it. Then we hear a scream.

"How am I the understudy for the worst part if this entire play!" Delly screeches.

"Because you can't act honey." That came from Cato.

We all laugh.

Peeta looks pleased. This means that if he got the lead then he won't have to do it with Delly.

"Katniss, your row can go next."

I walk past Delly.

"Watch your back Everdeen." She says to me.

"Haven't we been over this? She can take you and you will not look pretty when she is done with you." Gale laughs

"It's not like she is pretty now anyways." Someone in the groups says after we pass her.

We all snicker.

When I get over there I almost faint. I got the lead. No this can't be happening. I look to the male lead and see that Peeta got it. Well at least we will be doing it together right.

"Look guys Kat and Peeta got the leads. Glimmer, Annie, and Clove play Kat's besties and Joanna play Peeta's sister." Finnick says.

"Yeah and all the guys play Peeta's friends and Gale plays Kat's brother. You know I can really see that too." Cato says.

"Why the hell did I have to get this part. I don't like I act and I can't act. Why would she put me through this?" I ask.

"Because you can act baby."Peeta tells me.

"No I can't."

"Then why did she give it to you."

"Because she is an idiot. I don't know ask her." I state.

"Maybe I will." he says. He starts to walk up tithe teacher. He starts to talk and then points at me. Then he comes back over.

"She said that the reason that she picked you is because you are an amazing actress." he smirks at me.

"Well then she is a lying sack of shit. This is bullshit. I can't act. I am going I embarrass myself in front of the entire school."

"Who gives a crap Kat. We all think that you can act."Annie says

"Well there is also singing in it. I can't sing for shit."

Glimmer scoffs, "umm have you heard yourself Katniss. You have the most perfect voice that I have ever heard."


With that we walk out of the class.
Time skip to last period (sorry that I am doing lots of time skips)

"Peeta your dropping me off at my house right?" I ask Peeta at our lockers right after sixth period ended. That is our last period of the day.

"Of course I can babe."


"No problem."

We walk out to our cars with the group and we all get into our cars.

"You know Peeta, we should work on our lines when we get to my house. Well that is if you don't have anything to do."

"Sure Kat that sounds like a great idea."

We drive the rest of the way home in silence.

"Hey little duck." I says when I walk past her while she is watching some disney show in the living room.

"Hiya Katniss. Guess what, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!" She squeals.

"That's great Primmy." I say excited for her.

"It really is. He is so nice and sweet I just can't wen believe it."

"Prim, this is Peeta. Iu have met him before but you would still be toddling around in diapers."

"Hiya Peeta. How are you doing. Your Katniss's boyfriend right?" She asks

"Yes I am." He says proud.

"We are going to go study in my room. Be good."

"Okay I will have fun but not to much fun you two."

Oh my little crazy duck!

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