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Peeta's Pov

I wake up and see Katniss still sleeping next to me. It's Sunday today so we are going home.

I start to think about the night that I just shared with Katniss. That was defiantly the best birthday ever!

I'm so happy that it was with Katniss. I kiss her forehead and she starts to wake up.  Her eyes flutter open revealing the beautiful gray eyes that I love.

"Good morning gorgeous. " I say.

"Good morning handsome." She replies. "Last night was amazing." She smiles.

"Yes it was. That was by far the best birthday that I have ever had." I tell her smiling.

I get up and go get ready.


Katniss's Pov

Last night was fan-fucking-tastic! I'm so happy that it was with Peeta and that it was both of our first times. We lost our virginity to each other.

Peeta is getting ready right now. I go and take a shower. I look in the mirror and see that I do indeed have a mark on my neck from where Peeta was kissing it last night. I'll need to put makeup on that.

I out on a cute strapless Aztec style dress. At the bottom it is orange-ish. I put on white wedges and curl my hair.

Peeta has already packed our clothes and we head back home.

Annie has rest texted me
telling us when to come. She said to come at noon, and here we are.

We walk inside and people jumps out and yell 'SURPRISE!' 

There are a lot of people here. Peeta's family is here and some of mine is. I don't really know why though.

We meet up with the group. I ask Finnick if he can put our suitcase into our room.

He does that for me. People come and say happy birthday to Peeta.

Peter comes up. "Hey kids. "

"Hey dad." Peeta says.

"How was your night?" He asks.

"It was great. " Peeta says.

"Well happy birthday my dear son. I now have no kids that are children anymore. They are all adults. " Peter says.

"Well you still have Katniss for a little while. " Peeta says

"Indeed I do."

He walks away.

Soon enough it's time for cake. The Mellark's made it.

It has four layers. They frosted it sunset orange.

We sing happy birthday to Peeta. After that everyone pretty much leaves. 

The girls and I go to the movie room while the guys play video games.

"So, how was your night with Peeta?" Glimmer asks. Hannah is here as well.

"It was awesome." I reply.

"Okay let's play never have I ever." Johanna suggests. We all nod.

"Okay never have I every slept with someone. " Johanna says. Of course she would say this one.

They all  put one finger out. Except Hannah.  They all look at me. I put one finger in. We all knew that they have slept with their boyfriends.

"You're joking." Clove says.

I shake my head. "Nope. "

"You have had sex before?!" Annie asks/exclaims.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I ask.

"Because you are so pure and innocent." Glimmer says

"Yeah well I'm not. " I say.

"Does Peeta know?" Glimmer asks.

"You're an idiot. " I tell her.

"Wait you had sex last night?" Johanna asks

"Yeah. You could say that it was Peeta's birthday present. " I smirk.

They laugh.

"Well I guess that leaves Hannah left. " Johanna says. We all look at Hannah.

She looks back at us.

"Do you like anyone?" I ask even though we all know that she likes Jake.

"Ummm......." She trails off.

"It's okay. We all know you like Jake. The only person that doesn't know that you like him, is him." I say.

"Wait so everyone knows?" She asks

We all nod.

"Okay then." She laughs

"He would never like me though."

Awwwww she thinks that Jake doesn't like her back. Well she is going to be shocked when they get together.


Peeta's Pov

"So what happened last night?" Finnick asks me.

"Nothing." I say.  I know what he means. Katniss and I were the only virgins in the house. Now there are none.

"You expect us to believe that?" Marvel asks

"Yeah because nothing happened. We went to dinner and then we went to bed." I tell them.

"We all just want the truth here Peeta." Gale says.

"And I'm giving it to you." I say. I don't know how Katniss feels about having then all know that she and I aren't virgins anymore.

"And maybe I'll just go ask Katniss the same question." Finnick says getting up.

He walks up the stairs. We follow.

"Katniss I was wondering what you and Peeta did last night?" Finnick asks her.

"We went to eat and then we went to bed." She replies.

The girls snicker giving us away. She must have told them.

"So are you both going to lie to me?" Finnick asks.

"We aren't lying." I tell him.

The girls snicker some more.

"So you're telling me that you and Peeta didn't have sex last night because we all know that Glimmer can't keep and secret. So, Glimmer, did Katniss and Peeta  have sex last night?" Finnick asks Glimmer.

"Why do you even want to know?" Katniss asks

"Because it's my job to protect my little sister." He replies." So Glimmer, did they or did they not have sex last night?"

Glimmer face starts to turn red. "Okay fine. They didn't." She says.

"She's lying. "Marvel says.

"No I'm not. "Glimmer defends.

"Yes she is." 

"So my best friend had sex with my little sister." Finnick says.

"Fine we did!" Katniss exclaims.

"Okay thank you." He says and walks away.

Wait what?! What the fuck just happened?

Later we all just go to bed to go to school the next morning.
Hiya! Hope that you liked the chapter. I didn't really know what to put so this is just a filler for right now. New update soon!😜

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