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Katniss's Pov

Today is February 14. Do you know what that means? Yep, it's Valentine's Day!

We have dance tonight. We still have to go to school, but they are letting us get out early. Why? I don't know.

Peeta asked me by putting rose pedals in the backyard and spelt out 'Valentine's Dance?' with them.

I have a red dress with the sweetheart neckline. It has sparkles all over the breasts and down to the waist. It is really pretty. It's about thigh length.

Annie and Glimmer do my make up and Clove does my hair. My makeup is natural and my hair is curled.

I was the last one because I don't get all fancy for these things. Once we are done, we walk downstairs. 

The guys are all waiting there for us. Us girls are wearing dresses that match the Valentine's Day colors.

I walk into Peeta's arms.

"You look amazing." He tells me kissing me.

"Thank you. You look very handsome."

"Alright lovebirds, that's enough, we need to go." Johanna says.

We walk outside and there is a limo waiting for us. We get in.

We arrive at the school and walk in. People must think that we are super rich. Well, in a way, I guess we are. Haha

The night is filled with kissing, dancing, kissing, and talking. Oh, and did I mention kissing?

The party ends. But not before they announce the Valentine's sweethearts. I didn't even know that they had that. I did not know that it was even a thing!

Ms.Effie goes on that stage. "I hope that you enjoyed this dance. It is now time to announce the Valentine's Sweethearts."  She says while opening up an envelope.

She opens it. "And your Valentine's sweethearts are...... Annie Cresta and Finnick O'Dair!" Effie exclaims.

They walk up onto the stage and get their crowns and flowers. They dance to a slow song. When they finish, their are claps all around.

Once the dance is done, we get back into the limo and head home. We get home and go strait to bed.


I wake up when my alarm goes off. I slap my hand down on my alarm clock. It won't shut up.

Peeta turns it off. He smiles at me. I make a face at him.

"If it wasn't for me you would still be beating the shit out of it." He says.

"I know. Thank you baby." I say.

"Come on we have to go to school today." He tells me.

I groan. I really didn't want to go to school today.

"Why don't we just stay here and have a lazy day. My lazy ass would like that." I smirk remembering him saying that my ass was cute and not lazy.

"Get up." He says throwing a pillow at me.

"I'm up I'm up" I say standing up.

Peeta starts to walk to the bathroom but I beat him in there. I lock the door.

"Ha ha." I hear Peeta say from the other side of the door.

"Haha I get the bathroom first." I yell through the door.

He doesn't say anything back and I get ready. I take my shower then put on a cute off the shoulder PINK shirt. I put on black pants and black heels.

I just put my hair in a side braid that Glimmer likes to call, 'the Katniss braid' what ever that means?

I put my makeup on and then walk out.

"Finally." Peeta mutters.

"Shut up." I say.

"Make me. Blah blah blah blah." He tells me. I grab his face in my hands and kiss him.

I pull away. He looks into my eyes. "Well that's certainly a way to make me shut up." He says.

"You told me to make you shut up so I did." I tell him.

"Well I liked that way. You can do that more often." He says kissing me again.

He pulls away and walks back into the bathroom. He comes out about five minutes later.

"After school, we are going on a date." Peeta tells me.

"I don't remember being asked out on a date." I reply.

"Fine. Katniss Violet Everdeen, will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asks.

"I would love to." I reply.

We walk out of the house and go to Peeta's car. We start to drive. Peeta pulls into the Starbucks drive thru.

He gets our drinks and we drive to school. We pull into the parking spot and get out.

The bell rings right after we get out. We rush to our locker and get stuff. Realizing that we have drama, we put our stuff back and rush to the auditorium.

We get there as Ms.Trinket is walking up on stage.

"Hello my lovelies! We will be working in the scene where Josh and Jennifer meet for the first time." She explains. 

Peeta and I walk on stage. We are on opposite sides of the stage. I get out my phone and so does Peeta.

We start to walk in each other's direction. I act like I'm texting when I am actually texting Peeta. It's short, but we still talk.

Then we bump into each other. Our phones get knocked out of our hands. I also fall to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Peeta says.

"No I'm sorry. I never look where I'm going. I'm such an airhead." I reply.

Peeta offers me his hand. I take it.

"Thanks. "I say.

"No problem. "

We pick up our phones.

"I'm Josh by the way. "Peeta says.

"I'm Jennifer."

"Well it's nice to meet you Jennifer." Peeta says.

"You too." I say and we walk off

"That was amazing my darlings. " Ms.Trinket claps her hands together.

We go to the rest of our classes and then go home.
Hiya! Hope that you enjoyed the chapter. New update soon!😋

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