Ch.6 There is something he is not telling me

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Katniss's Pov

I asked Peeta where that bruise came from. He kind of blanked out. I wonder what happend.

"Umm... my brothers and I were wrestling."

He said that unconvincingly. I guess I should just leave it. If he says that he got that bruise from wrestling, then he must have gotten it from wrestling.


"Let's all just watch a movie before Katniss over here decides to become the hulk again and relax." Marvel suggests.

"Oh shut up you asshole." I spit back.

"Hey, I am not an asshole."

"That is what an asshole would say."

"Whatever." he spits at me angrily.

"Just get over yourself before you wake up in the hospital for the fourth time."

"The fourth! We have only heard once." Exclaims Finnick.

"Yeah. We are going to keep it that way." Marvel says agitated.

"Katniss why don't you tell us." Finnick questions me.

"Well let's see one time I broke his arm and made him faint with all of the blood. The other time was we were 4 and we were at preschool and he made me mad and stole my crackers. He saw my face and started to run. I chased him up the big playstructure, and he got himself cornered. Then I pushed him. He fell down the play thing and hit his head."

"That was really the funniest thing that I have ever heard in my life." Cato says.

"You should have been there to see it." says Peeta.

"That's right you were there. Me, you, Glimmer, and Marvel all hung out and you tried to stop me. Glimmer went to get the video camera." I say laughing.

"She did!" Annie burst out.

"Ya I did." Glimmer said.

"Well can we watch some movies now?" Clove says.

"Ya sure." we all say.

We turn on hot tub time machine.

Then we all eventually fall asleep.

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