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Katniss's Pov

I walk upstairs and out all of my stuff down in my room. I walk back down stairs and see all of my family and Clove's family to the bottom of the stairs. I look at then am confused at what is happening right now.

"Katniss why don't you sit down." my mother says.

I sit down slowly still wondering what the hell is going on. I look to Clove and she looks down sadly. Something is up.

"Katniss we are moving." my mother says.

I look up at her. Clove's parents look down. This means that I am moving far away. No! I can't I just made all of my friends here. I can't leave now.

"What?" I ask

"We are moving." my mother says again. Is that all that she is going to say.

"We can't mother. I just made friends!" I say.

" We are moving in with Plutarch!" She says smiling.

"But I don't want to leave."

"Honey we are staying here just moving out of the James's house." She says and I sigh of relief. I thought that we were going to have to leave here.

"Thank god!"

"The house is already paid for and we move tomorrow. Go start packing." she tells me.

I run upstairs and pack as much as I can tonight. I have managed to get all of my clothes and makeup packed away so far. I will just have to do the rest tomorrow. I fall asleep dreaming of Peeta. For once I have a good nights sleep.


Time skip to morning.

I woke up and started to pack again. Glimmer came and helped me. She said that she didn't want me to go but she was happy for me.

"I'll still see you at school. It's not like I was actually moving."

"I know but I won't be the same as having you here with me every day so we can annoy Marvel together." she says.

"I heard that!" Marvel yells

"Good for you!" Glimmer yells back

We have successfully packed all of my stuff away. My mom came in and said that I need to bring my boxes down to the car.

I out my boxes in my car and it was pretty full. I have the backseat and the trunk filled with boxes.

I followed my mom to the house and it was huge. It was only two stories but still really nice. There are seven rooms and each room has it's own bathroom. Then there is also two spare bathrooms. I have a pretty big room. Oh who am I kidding! It's huge. I have three beds, a walk in closet which is also huge and my own bathroom. I also have a balcony.

I explore the house and find out that there is a indoor swimming pool. Also an outdoor swimming pool. A movie room, a giant kitchen, a giant living room, and a huge back yard.

I see that there is like a garage in the backyard and I check it out. I walk I and see that it is a full sized spring floor. Oh my god! My mom must have told Plutarch that I cheer.

I run inside."mom did you tell Plutarch that I cheered?" I ask.

"Maybe I did. maybe I didn't."

"thank you so much mom!" I scream.

I run up I my room. I start to text Peeta.

Me: OMG u will not guess how big and awesome my new house is!!!!!!

Peeta🍞: awesome i am so happy to hear that you are excited.

Me:so what are u doing

Peeta🍞:nothin how about you

Me:I need to unpack. will you come and help me

Peeta🍞:Of corse

"Mom Peeta is coming over to help me unpack."i yell downstairs.

"Okay." she yells back.

A few minutes later Peeta rings the doorbell. I run down to answer it. I grab his arm and we go to my room and unpack.

"So do you like it?" He asks

"Like it? I love it." I say

"As much as you love me?"

"No I love you way more." I say while kissing him. "hey do you want to watch me tumble?" I ask

"Sure." he says.

I change and we go outback. we walk into the gym. I warm up but then do a round off backhand spring double full. It was pretty easy stuff. I have had it since I was twelve and I am seventeen now, so I have had it for a long time.

Peeta tells me to do my hardest trick that I can do. So, I do a round off backhand spring full arabian round off full bounce back front tuck round off kick double full. That one was challenging.

"Great job." he smirks.

"What did you do?" I ask

"I may it may not have video taped it and sent it to the rest if the group." he says

"Whatever." I say

My phone goes off an I pick it up. It reads, '@peetajmellark has mentioned you in a comment.' I click it and he also posted the video of me tumbling on Instagram. The caption that he used says, 'my wonderful girlfriend is so talented@katnissveverdeen'

"Really?" I ask Peeta.

He just puts his hands up in surrender.

We go back in and Peeta goes home and I go to bed.
Sorry that it has been a while since I last updated. I have been at cheerleading camp and then got sick from the ucla food. Sorry, I will try and update again soon.

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