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Katniss's Pov

The next day

I wake up and get ready. It's just like a normal day. I wake up. Then I take a shower and so my hair. I don't wear makeup. I get dressed then I leave.

Peeta is going to pick me up again. He is always going to do that.

I walk into the school with Peeta. We go to English. This is one of my best classes. I get strait A's, but this is still my best class.

"Okay class today we will be working on an essay. You will be writing about the most drastic time in your life."

I zone out after that. I know very well what that will be. It's going to be about my father. I don't know if I can do this.

I turn my head and loo at Peeta. He is looking back at me. His eyes are filled with terror.

I bet mine are filled with sadness.

"You may begin. This essay will be due in two weeks." the teacher announces.

Then after working in it for a little bit of working in this project, I can't take it anymore. I need a break.

"May I be excused?" I ask

"Of course." she looks at me skeptically.

Right as I stand up my legs feel wobbly. I don't feel very good right now.

"Katniss, will you go to the nurses office?" The teacher asks/demands.

I manage to nod my head. That want my best idea. I am about to walk when I take a step and my while body just collapses. The last thing that I hear is Peeta calling my name before I black out.

Sorry that it is so short. This chapter was just a filler chapter and I just randomly had an idea so I was like well I might as well right it before I forget it. Still sorry that it is short, I wasn't trying I make it short. Just tell me why you think please.

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