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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to my alarm clock. That is what is going to suck. I won't have Glimmer jumping up and down on my bed to wake me up in the morning. I get up and stretch out. Then I walk into my enormous bathroom and take a quick shower. It is still warm since it is only September but I really could care less. I like this outfit so I will wear it.

I put on a shirt/sweatshirtish type shirt on that says, 'I woke up like this'. I also put on some light wash jeans and black converse. I put my hair into this waterfall braid and curl my hair.

I go downstairs and grab my backpack and go to the front door. I open it and Peeta is standing right there.

"What are you doing here?"I ask him.

"OH me, I am just here to pick up my beautiful girlfriend."He says.

"Well thank you!I really didn't want to walk today."I reply back.

"Well let's go then." He motions to his car.

"Can we take Prim?" I ask.

"Of course we can take Prim."

"Prim come on we are taking you." I yell into the house.

"okay I am coming." she yells back

soon enough she is there at the truck.

"Do you girls want to go to Starbucks?" Peeta asks

"Why did you even ask?" Prim replies.

"so I take that as a yes then?" Peeta smirks

"Of course." Prim and I yell at the same time.

We drive up to Starbucks and go in. I am glad that Peeta asked because i was in a come for I think a week and I didn't get no Starbucks. And that my friend, is just wrong.

"What would you like?" The lady asks us.

"Can I get two vanilla bean with extra caramel." I say

"Yes and what size?" she asks.

"Both smalls." i reply



"Okay your order will be ready soon."

"thank you"

We wait for about five minutes. Soon our drinks are ready. We go and grab them. We head off to school. We drop Prim off at the middle shool. We watch her as she goes to her friend Rue. Then we go to our school. Since we are in the popular group at school, we get our own parking spots.

We get out of the car and walk to our tree. We are the last ones to get there.

"Hey Kat we saw that video. You are an amazing tumbler!" Says Annie.

"Thanks but I really am not."

"Okay girl you are just lying to yourself." Johanna says.

"Whatever." I say

"Peeta, you got Katniss a Starbucks but not me. That's totally messed up man."Finnick whines

"I got her and Prim one. So you should have called." Peeta replies.

"Wait I thought that you got one too." i say

"No because then I wouldn't of had any money for lunch." he replies.

"Well you should have told me. I mean you saw my house. I have a gym in my backyard! I could have gotten mine and Prim's."

"Its doesn't matter now. Does it?"

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