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Katniss's Pov

I wake up in my new bed. Which is in my new room with Peeta.

We haven't been able to decorate it yet because Peeta is still in a cast. He gets it off in about three or four weeks.

He is not very happy about it. We have lived in this house for about a week now. Peeta and I have caught up on all of our school work and we go back today.

The teachers know about what happened to Peeta. They even know how it happened. Im not sure why they needed to know that but I guess they did.

I get up and take a shower. I curl my hair and put on a black shirt. It has a yellow happy face on it. I put some denim jeans on and converse. I do my makeup and walk out.

Peeta walks into the bathroom. He takes a quick shower and then gets dressed. I have to help him get dressed because of his cast.

He balances on me. Once he is done we walk downstairs. It takes a while but we make it.

We walk down and Finnick brings us plates of eggs, bacon, and sausage. We take them and eat them.

We drive to school and go to our lockers.

I see this girl who has blonde hair with low-lights. It looks really nice. Her locker is right next to mine.

"Hi I'm Katniss. Katniss Everdeen" I introduce myself.

"I'm Hannah. Hannah Lowe." she says shyly.

"Are you new?" I ask. She nods.

"Here let me see your schedule and I can show you around." I say. She hands me her schedule. I notice that she has all of the same classes as us.

"Stay with me and my friends. You have all of the same classes with us." I tell her.

"Umm... okay." she says unsure.

"You don't have to if you don't want to" I tell her.

"No it's just that you guys are the popular group and I'm me." she says.

"I said the same thing. Trust me, they'll love you." I say.

"Okay" she says.

The group comes over to Peeta, Hannah and I.

"Guys, this is Hannah. She is new here. She has all of the same classes with us. She is now part of our group." I tell them all. Hannah looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I ask her.

"You just said that I was part of your group." she says.

"Yes and you are. Unless you don't want to." I say.

"I would love to." she says.

"Awesome!" Annie exclaims.

"Let's go to science." Jake says.

We go to science first because Miss Trinket is out today. I don't know why we don't just go there but we were told to go to science.

We walk down the hall and into Mr.Beetee's science class. We all get to our seats and Mr.Beetee introduces Hannah.

She sits next to Jake. Now the entire group sits with somebody else from the group.

We do the assignment and just talk when we finish. Mr.Beetee doesn't really care what we do as long as we finish the assignment.

We leave and go to English. We breeze through it. We go to P.E. and we play dodge ball.

It's girls against boys. Delly is on my team. Ugh. Finnick and I are the team captains.
Peeta can't play because of his leg. He sits in the bleachers watching.

Soon enough it's just me, Johanna, and Finnick left. I look at Johanna. She mouths 1...2...3. We both throw the balls that we had in our hands at Finnick. The look on his face is priceless. He gets hit in the stomach and somewhere where no boy wants to get hit. He falls to the ground.

Me and Johanna start laughing. I give her a high five.

"Thanks guys." Finnick says.

"You're welcome Finny." we say.

We walk to the bleachers and I sit next to Peeta. He puts his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

We leave to go change and head to lunch. I walk out of the locker room and head over to Peeta. The rest of the girls are still changing.

I walk over to Peeta and wrap my arms around him.

"Great game today." he whispers into my ear. I smile. I lean up and kiss him.

The girls come out and we head to the cafeteria. We all walk in and sit at our table.

"What would you like today babe?" I ask Peeta.

"I'll just share with you. That way you only have to carry one tray." He says.

"Okay." I say and peck him on the cheek. I walk to the lunch room and get a salad and chicken. I grab two forks and some ranch. I grab napkins for us and a couple extra for Finnick since he eats like a toddler.

I walk back out to the table and see Delly sitting on Peeta's lap. He is trying his hardest to push her off. He is probably doing everything but hitting her with his crutches. That would be funny.

The rest of the group looks pissed. Especially Jake. I mean he thought that she was nice and liked him.

I walk over there. I set the tray down.

"Get off of my boyfriend." I tell Delly.

"Stop calling him your boyfriend. He obviously loves me and not you." She replies.

"How many times do I have to tell you Cartwright! I am not your boyfriend. I am Katniss's boyfriend. I love Katniss. Not you. Why would I ever even like a slut like you?" Peeta asks and pushes her off while she is vulnerable.

She looks at Peeta like he is crazy.

"What? That seat is reserved for Katniss." He says.

I smirk and walk to Peeta and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around me and smiles.

Delly just walks off looking pissed.

"I got chicken and salad." I tell Peeta.

"Thank you." he says kissing me cheek. He grabs a piece of the chicken and eats it. I do the same.

I only eat a couple pieces of chicken and a couple bites of salad. I wasn't very hungry today.

"So, since Christmas is in the next couple of days, I was thinking that we don't do presents. But, we make it the best Christmas ever!" Glimmer exclaims.

"And how are we supposed to do that without presents?" Marvel asks.

"We will make hot chocolate and watch romantic movies and where matching pajamas. And Jake and Hannah have to come over." She explains to us all.

"I say we do it. But, the day after Christmas." Annie says.

"Yeah. I agree with Annie on this one." Johanna says.

"Ok then it's settled. The day after Christmas we will all be together at our house." Glimmer says.

"I'll give you the address Hannah." I say. She nods.

We finish lunch and go to the rest of our classes.
Hiya! I really hope that you enjoyed the chapter!

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