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Katniss's Pov

While we are playing my phone starts to ring. I see that it is my mother.

Everyone looks at me.

"Excuse me." I say and get up to walk outside.

I answer my phone and say,"hello mother."

"Hello." she says enthusiastically.

"Why are you so excited?" I ask.

"BECAUSE PLUTARCH PROPOSED!!!! We are getting married in two weeks." she basically screams in my ear.

"What. No you can't. What are you trying to do, replace dad!" I scream.

"Don't you raise your voice at me." she says.

"Whatever." I say and hang up the phone.

I walk into the house and slam the door. I see the group looking at me. Was I really that loud. I just walk past them and up I my room. I slam the door shut.

I can't believe that she did that. I just lean back into my pillow and cry.

"I miss you dad."

I can't even explain it. He has been gone for a couple years now and I still can't get over it.

Then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Kat can I come in?" He asks. If you are wondering who he is, it is none other than my amazing boyfriend.

"Sure." I say and turn only side facing away from the door.

I feel the edge of my bed fall and know that Peeta has sat down.

"Will you please talk to me?" He pleads.

I turn to sit up and look at him with my year stained face.

"What is there to talk about. I know that you all heard me screaming." I say.

"But who were you screaming at?" He asks

"My mother. Plutarch proposed and I feel like she is just trying to replace my father. She can't just go out meet a guy and BOOM I have a new dad."

"I know that to feel that way but maybe she isn't trying to replace your dad. Maybe she is just lonely." he suggests

"I don't know. I don't know anything anymore Peeta." I start to cry again.

He holds out his arms for me to crawl into and I do exactly that. I love the feeling of being in Peeta's arms.

"I love you. I hope that you know that." he tells me and kisses my head.

"I love you too and of course I know that. I could never forget. Even if you stopped loving me I would always love you."

"Always?" He asks

"Forever and Always." I say and lean my head up to kiss him. He leans down and kisses me. I just love the feeling if his lips on mine. They just feel like they belong there.

"I better go and wash off my face because you can probably see the tear streaks down my cheeks. I am sorry that you had to see me so weak."

"Katniss, crying didn't make you weak. If anything it makes you stronger. Always believe it. Okay?"

"Okay." I get up to go to the bathroom.

I come back to my room to Peeta. Then we walk back down the stairs together.

When we walk down everybody is getting up.

"Hey Kat sorry that we are just going out when you are coming back. But we got to get home." Annie says,

"That's perfectly fine.
I will see you all tomorrow."

"Okay bye." they all say something along those lines.

Peeta is about to leave when I say, " Peeta?"

"Yes love."

"Will you stay with me tonight."

"Yeah of course but I do have to check in with my dad and get some clothes from my house. Okay?"

"Okay. You go and I will wait here for you."

"Love you."

"Love you too." with that he walks out the door.

I close the door and see Glimmer right at my side.

"Are you okay Kat?"

"Yeah I am fine now that Peeta helped me."


"Do you want to watch a movie or something. I need something to distract me until Peeta comes back."


So we sit and watch the movie mean girls. That is like the same thing at our school with the little groups an everything. The only thing is that we don't have just the four girls that like rule the school. That is my group. We are like the plastics just without the burn book and we are coed.

Right when the movie is ending I hear the ring of the doorbell. I get up to get it and see none other than my fabulous boyfriend.

"Hello babe." I say.

"Hey." he says.

He walks in and says hello to Glimmer. I tell her that we are going to go up I my room. Se says the same thing that Prim had said earlier in the day. I wanted to kill her.

Once we get up to my room Peeta puts his stuff down.

"So how do you feel about coming over tomorrow after school to officially meet my family. Well since we were like five."

"I would love nothing more than to do that Peeta."

"Awesome. My brothers are jealous but proud of me that I have a girlfriend. They just don't like that I have one while they are still single. They still don't think that my girlfriend is The Katniss Everdeen. They think that if is some other girl as that I finally I over my huge crush on you."

"Well I am glad that you never did because then we wouldn't be together right now. Who knows maybe you would have hated me. Or you would have been with delly."

"Okay first of all I would never be able to get over my crush on you. Second of all I would not hate you. That is, if it isn't impossible, nearly impossible. And lastly, I would never be together with Delly. She is a whore and a slut and a hoe. I don't know which one would suit her best but I know that I will never ever date her."

"Okay good. Why don't we get to bed." I suggest.

"Yeah that sounds good. Where should I sleep?" He asks skeptical.

"In my bed with me unless you don't want to."

"It's what ever you want me to do."

"Just get in bed."

"Okay." he asked off his shirt and this is the first time that I have seen his body. Damn he is hot. He goes to turn off the light but I stop him. I noticed something on his shoulder. A bruise.

"Peeta what is that?" I ask him.

"This?" He asks and points to the bruise. I nod my head.

"Oh it is um nothing."

"You can't say that Peeta. You didn't have that when you left I don't think. and you sure didn't have enough time to get home pack your stuff wrestle your brothers and then drive back. So what is it?"

"Okay fine. My mother she umm.......

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