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Katniss's Pov

I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I grab it and Peeta stirs. He releases his grip on me and I look and see that it's my mother calling me. UGH!!!!

I get out of the bed and go outside in my silk crop to and short shorts that I wear for pajamas. I answer the phone.

"Yes." I say rudely but I don't care. I have lost all respect for this woman.

"Don't used that time with me." she says.

"I'll talk to you with whatever tone that I want to use." I reply.

"Excuse me. I am your mother!" She says.

"Yeah well you do a really shitty job at it." I scoff.

"I want you to pack up and get in the car right now young lady." she says.

"Nah I like it here. It's nice and do you want to know the best part?" I ask her.

"What." she snaps at me.

"Your not here." I say happily.

"Ugh." she scoffs.

"You don't ugh me." I say.

"You know that your sister heard everything right?" My mother asks.

"Yeah I know she did because I talked to her while she was at Rue's!" I snap.

"She said that it was fine if we went to Vegas so I asked Rue's parents and they gladly took her." she says.

"Well at least someone is going to take care of her when I'm not home." I say.

"I'm done with you." she says to me.

"See I knew that you didn't give a shit about me." I say.

I jut hang up after that. I walk back into the room and see that Peeta is awake.

He looks at me and comes over. He wraps his arms around me.

We just sit there hugging for about I've minutes until my phone interrupted us.

I see that it is Plutarch. I answer.

"Look if this is a lecture about how I'm not treating her right then you can save it. I don't want to have anything to do with that woman anymore. I have sucked it up for about seventeen years. I'm done." I say.

"That's fine. I was calling to see if you wanted to move out?" He says.

Oh yeah and oh where? The streets!" I snap at him.

"No I'll build you a house where you and all of your friends can live." he says.

I look at Peeta knowing that he can here the conversation. He shrugs his shoulders and nods.

"You'll do that for me?" I ask.

"Of course. I mean you already don't like me so what do I have to lose?" He ask jokingly.

"I'm sorry. Thank you." I say.

"No problem sweetie." he says.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye." he replies and I hang up the phone.

"That is amazing!" Peeta says.

"Call up the group!" I exclaim.

"Kat. It's like six in the morning." he says pointing to the clock.

I look over his shoulder and laugh. "I guess that it is pretty early then." I say smirking.

Our Love Never Dies (an Everlark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now